`aniy <06041>

yne `aniy

Asal Mula:from 06031
Referensi:TWOT - 1652d
Jenis Kata:adj (adjective)
Dalam Ibrani:yne 38, ynel 6, Myyne 5, ynew 5, yyne 5, *Mywne {Myyne} 4, hyne 3, yneh 2, Kyyne 1, Myynew 1, *Mywnelw {Myynelw} 1, ynem 1, Ura 1, Kynel 1, Kyynew 1, Myyneh 1, wynew 1
Dalam TB:tertindas 30, sengsara 25, miskin 10, rendah hati 3, pedagang-pedagang 2, berkesusahan 2, kecurangan 1, lemah lembut 1, menderita 1, lemah 1
Dalam AV:poor 58, afflicted 15, lowly 1, man 1, variant 3
Definisi : 1) poor, afflicted, humble, wretched 1a) poor, needy 1b) poor and weak 1c) poor, weak, afflicted, wretched 1d) humble, lowly
from 6031; depressed, in mind or circumstances (practically the same as 6035, although the margin constantly disputes this, making 6035 subjective and 6041 objective): KJV -- afflicted, humble, lowly, needy, poor.
see HEBREW for 06031
see HEBREW for 06035
see HEBREW for 06035
see HEBREW for 06041
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