Nehemia 4:1-6
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Sanbalat(TB/TL) <05571> [Sanballat.] mengolok-olokkan(TB)/diolok-olokkannya(TL) <03932> [mocked.] |
Judul : Pertentangan terhadap pembangunan Perikop : Neh 4:1-23 Ketika Sanbalat Neh 2:10; [Lihat FULL. Neh 2:10] Catatan Frasa: SANBALAT ... MENGOLOK-OLOKKAN ORANG YAHUDI. |
<02428> [the army.] gerangan(TB)/letih lesu(TL) <0537> [feeble.] memperkokoh ......... mempersembahkan korban(TB)/membiarkan(TL) <05800 02076> [fortify themselves. Heb. leave to themselves. sacrifice.] menghidupkan(TB/TL) <02421> [revive.] |
hadapan saudara-saudaranya Ezr 4:9-10; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 4:9]; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 4:10] [Semua] timbunan puing |
Tobia(TB/TL) <02900> [Tobiah.] |
berkatalah Tobia, Neh 2:10; [Lihat FULL. Neh 2:10] tembok batu |
dengarlah(TB/TL) <08085> [Hear.] dihina(TB)/dicelakan(TL) <0939> [despised. Heb. despite. turn.] |
kami dihina. Mazm 44:14; 123:3-4; Yer 33:24 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: MENIMPA KEPALA MEREKA SENDIRI. |
Kaututupi kesalahan ... salah(TB)/menudungi(TL) <03680 05771> [cover not.] dosa(TB/TL) <02403> [their sin.] membangun(TB)/berusaha(TL) <01129> [before the builders.] |
Kaututupi kesalahan dari hadapan-Mu, 2Raj 14:27; Mazm 51:3; 69:28-29; 109:14; Yer 18:23 [Semua] |
terus ... tembok(TB)/pagar ....... tembok(TL) <02346> [and all the wall.] That is, the whole circuit of the wall was completed unto half the intended height. bangsa(TB)/banyak(TL) <05971> [for the people.] The original is very emphatic, {wyhee laiv l‰ƒm l„ƒsoth,} "for the people had a heart to work." Their heart was engaged in it, and they went about it cheerfully and vigorously. segenap hati(TB)/sukalah(TL) <03820> [had a mind.] |