TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Samuel 5:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [David.]

umat-Nya(TB/TL) <05971> [his people.]


martabat pemerintahannya

Bil 24:7; [Lihat FULL. Bil 24:7]

2 Samuel 14:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mencukur ........ mencukurnya(TB)/diguntingnya ......... diguntingnya ......... diguntingnya(TL) <01548> [when he polled.]

dua ratus syikal ........ syikal(TB)/ratus syikal(TL) <08255 03967> [two hundred shekels.]

If the shekel be allowed to mean the common shekel, the amount will be utterly incredible; for Josephus says that "two hundred shekels make five {min‘:}" and the {mina,} he says, "weighs two pounds and a half;" which calculation makes Absalom's hair weigh twelve pounds and a half! But it is probable that the king's shekel was that which Epiphanius and Hesychius say was the fourth part of an ounce, half a {stater,} or two drachms: the whole amount, therefore, of the 200 shekels is about 50 ounces, which make 4 lb. 2 oz. troy weight, or 3 lb. 2 oz. avoirdupois. This need not be accounted incredible, especially as abundance of oil and ointment was used by the ancients in dressing their heads. Josephus informs us, that the Jews also put gold dust in their hair.


mencukur rambutnya

2Sam 18:9

2 Samuel 16:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


<0376> [as if.]

petunjuk ..... Allah Allah(TB)/firman Allah(TL) <0430 01697> [oracle of God. Heb. word of God.]

nasihat ................. nasihat(TB)/bicara ............. bicara(TL) <06098> [so was.]

The first counsel of this sagacious but wicked man to Absalom was more like an oracle of Satan, both for subtlety and atrocity. He advised the shameless measure just detailed, in order to establish Absalom, and to preclude the possibility of a reconciliation with David. The wives of a conquered king were always the property of the conqueror; and in possessing these he appeared to possess the right to the kingdom.

nasihat ................. nasihat(TB)/bicara ............. bicara(TL) <06098> [all the counsel.]

Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [both.]


itu nasihat

2Sam 17:14,23 [Semua]

oleh Daud

2Sam 15:12; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 15:12]

2 Samuel 17:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hatinya ... hati(TB)/hati(TL) <03820> [heart.]

tawarlah ....... tawar hati sama sekali(TB)/tawarlah(TL) <04549> [utterly melt.]

ayahmu(TB)/ayahanda(TL) <01> [thy father.]

gagah perkasa ............................. gagah perkasa(TB)/berani .................... perwira(TL) <02428> [and they which.]


hati singa

1Taw 12:8

akan tawar

Yos 2:9-11; Yeh 21:15 [Semua]

gagah perkasa.

2Sam 23:8; 1Taw 11:11 [Semua]

2 Samuel 21:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Mefiboset(TB/TL) <04648> [Mephibosheth.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [because.]


kepada Mefiboset

2Sam 4:4

karena sumpah

1Sam 18:3; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 18:3]; 2Sam 9:7; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 9:7] [Semua]

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