M@phiybosheth <04648>

tvbypm M@phiybosheth or tvbpm M@phibosheth

Pelafalan:mef-ee-bo'-sheth mef-ee-bo'-sheth
Asal Mula:probably from 06284 and 01322
Jenis Kata:n pr m (noun proper masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:tsbypm 5, tsbypmw 3, tsb 2, tsbpmw 1, tsb ypm 1, tsbypmlw 1, tsbpm 1, tsbypml 1
Dalam TB:Mefiboset 15
Dalam AV:Mephibosheth 15
Definisi : Mephibosheth = "exterminating the idol" 1) grandson of Saul and son of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, Saul's concubine; he and his brother Armoni were among the 7 victims surrendered by David to the Gibeonites to avert a famine 2) son of Jonathan and grandson of Saul 2a) also 'Merib-baal'
or Mphibosheth {mef-ee-bo'-sheth}; probably from 6284 and 1322; dispeller of shame (i.e. of Baal); Mephibosheth, the name of two Israelites: KJV -- Mephibosheth.
see HEBREW for 06284
see HEBREW for 01322
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Mefiboset (TB, BIS, TL, FAYH)

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