TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Raja-raja 11:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membawa(TB)/dikeluarkannya(TL) <03318> [he brought.]

makota ...... mengenakan jejamang .... memberikan(TB)/dikenakannya makota(TL) <05145 05414> [put the crown.]

hukum(TB)/assyahadat(TL) <05715> [the testimony.]

bertepuk-tepuk mengurapinya ... sambil bertepuk(TB)/disiramnya(TL) <04886 05221> [anointed him.]

sambil bertepuk(TB)/bertepuk-tepuk(TL) <05221> [and they clapped.]

{Wyyakkoo kaph,} "they clapped the hand," which Mr. Harmer thinks was similar to the mode in which Oriental females express their respect for persons of high rank, by gently applying one of their hands to their mouth. So Pitts relates, that in some of the towns of Barbary, the leaders of the sacred caravan being received with loud acclamations, "the very women get upon the tops of the houses to view the parade, or fine show, where they keep striking their four fingers on their lips, as fast as they can, making a joyful noise all the while."

berserulah(TB)/soraknya(TL) <0559> [and said.]

baginda .... raja ......................... baginda Hiduplah raja(TB)/baginda .......................... Berbahagialah ... baginda(TL) <02421 04428> [God save the king. Heb. Let the king live.]


memberikan hukum

Kel 25:16; 2Raj 23:3 [Semua]

serta mengurapinya,

1Sam 9:16; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 9:16]; 1Raj 1:39; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 1:39] [Semua]

bertepuk tangan

Mazm 47:2; 98:8; Yes 55:12 [Semua]

Hiduplah raja!

1Sam 10:24; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 10:24]

TIP #02: Coba gunakan wildcards "*" atau "?" untuk hasil pencarian yang leb?h bai*. [SEMUA]
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