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Teks -- Jeremiah 8:7 (NET)

Tampilkan Strong
8:7 Even the stork knows when it is time to move on. The turtledove, swallow, and crane recognize the normal times for their migration. But my people pay no attention to what I, the Lord, require of them.
Paralel   Ref. Silang (TSK)   ITL  

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

Topik/Tema Kamus: Crane | Swallow | Stork | Impenitence | Church | Instinct | Jeremiah | Wisdom | Blindness | Israel | Backsliders | AMULET | Turtle, Turtle-dove | DOVE | TURTLE, TURTLEDOVE | Animals | Birds | selebihnya
Daftar Isi

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Poole , Haydock , Gill

Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Catatan Rentang Ayat
MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)

Wesley: Jer 8:7 - Appointed time The seasons of her going and coming.

The seasons of her going and coming.

Wesley: Jer 8:7 - The judgment God's vengeance, hovering over Jerusalem, and Judea.

God's vengeance, hovering over Jerusalem, and Judea.

JFB: Jer 8:7 - -- The instinct of the migratory birds leads them with unfailing regularity to return every spring from their winter abodes in summer climes (Son 2:12); ...

The instinct of the migratory birds leads them with unfailing regularity to return every spring from their winter abodes in summer climes (Son 2:12); but God's people will not return to Him even when the winter of His wrath is past, and He invites them back to the spring of His favor.

JFB: Jer 8:7 - in the heaven Emphatical. The birds whose very element is the air, in which they are never at rest, yet show a steady sagacity, which God's people do not.

Emphatical. The birds whose very element is the air, in which they are never at rest, yet show a steady sagacity, which God's people do not.

JFB: Jer 8:7 - times Namely, of migrating, and of returning.

Namely, of migrating, and of returning.

JFB: Jer 8:7 - my people This honorable title aggravates the unnatural perversity of the Jews towards their God.

This honorable title aggravates the unnatural perversity of the Jews towards their God.

JFB: Jer 8:7 - know not, &c. (Jer 5:4-5; Isa 1:3).

Clarke: Jer 8:7 - The stork in the heaven The stork in the heaven - The birds of passage know the times of their going and return, and punctually observe them; they obey the dictates of natu...

The stork in the heaven - The birds of passage know the times of their going and return, and punctually observe them; they obey the dictates of nature, but my people do not obey my law.

Calvin: Jer 8:7 - NO PHRASE Here again Jeremiah condemns the shameful insensibility of the people, — that they had less wisdom than birds, not endued with reason and understan...

Here again Jeremiah condemns the shameful insensibility of the people, — that they had less wisdom than birds, not endued with reason and understanding. He then says, that the Jews were more foolish than cranes, swallows, and storks. He no doubt deeply wounded the feelings of the people by so severe a reproof; but it was necessary thus sharply to reprehend the despisers of God; for it appears evident by these words, that they were become exceedingly hardened in their vices. No wonder, then, that the Prophet declares that they were more silly than cranes and swallows. Isaiah also exposes the same sort of madness, when he says that the ox knew his own master, and the ass his master’s crib, but that God was not known by his people. (Isa 1:3.) Now Isaiah made the Jews worse than oxen and asses, because these brute animals possess something like memory, so that they keep to their own manger and crib. So now Jeremiah, speaking of storks, etc., says, —

Behold, the stork knows the time in which it ought to migrate from one country to another; and the same is observed by swallows and cranes 220 For at stated times they seek a warmer climate; that is, they leave a cold country, that they may escape the severity of winter; and they afterwards know the time in which they are to return. As, then, the birds of the air observe their seasons, how is it that my people do not consider the judgment of God? By mentioning the heavens, he no doubt alludes to the constant flying of birds, the birds having hardly any rest, for they continually rove through the air. Since, then, there is so much wisdom in birds, which yet the air wafts here and there, how comes it, that a people, who dwell quietly at home, who can leisurely meditate on God’s law — how comes it that this people understand nothing? We hence see that there is an import in the word heavens which has not been noticed. Readers may yet have their doubts; for it is nothing strange that birds in the heavens should have a clearer view, as they come nearer the sun and the element of fire: but different seems to have been the Prophet’s object; which was to shew, that though birds labor as it were continually, they yet contrive to know the suitable time for going and returning. Hence, then, is exaggerated more fully the insensibility of that people, who, while sitting leisurely at home, did not consider what God did set before them.

The particle גם , gam, even, is emphatical; Even the stork, he says. What means this, that birds, though not possessed of understanding, do yet know their time? But my people, etc. By saying “my people, “the Prophet no doubt intended more clearly to set forth their wickedness. For, as I have before said, such blindness in heathens would not have been so strange; but as they were the holy and peculiar people of God, it was far more shameful and monstrous that they knew not his judgment.

Christ uses other words in condemning the Pharisees for not attending to the time of their visitation; for he says, “Ye are wont to conclude what will be the state of the heavens in the morning; for if the sky be red in the evening, ye say, It will be fine to — morrow; and ye know the signs of future and approaching rain: ye possess, he says, judgment sufficiently acute in external things, which conduce to the benefit of the present life; yet ye know not the time of your visitation, and still ye seek signs: but were ye attentive, God would shew to you in a way clear enough, and as it were by the finger, that the time of deliverance which ye pretend to expect is now nigh at hand.” But the Prophet reproves the Jews in a severer strain, when he says that there was more fatuity and madness in them than in birds. They know not, he says, the judgment of Jehovah, though it had been shewn to them many times, and for a long season.

But some one might have objected and said, “No wonder if we perceive not God’s judgment, for his judgments are a great deep; and since these exceed what we can comprehend, there is no reason to find fault with us.” But the Prophet speaks not here of hidden judgments, which elude the comprehension of men, but of punishments, of which they had been so often warned. Since, then, they were so blind as not to see what was clear and evident, the Prophet justly says that they were more foolish than cranes, and the other birds which he mentions. It follows —

Defender: Jer 8:7 - time of their coming All animals behave in the manner for which they were created, but men and women, made in God's image, have perverted His ways."

All animals behave in the manner for which they were created, but men and women, made in God's image, have perverted His ways."

TSK: Jer 8:7 - stork // turtle // people // know stork : Pro 6:6-8; Isa 1:3 turtle : Son 2:12 people : Jer 5:4; Isa 1:3, Isa 5:12 know : Jer 5:4, Jer 5:5

stork : Pro 6:6-8; Isa 1:3

turtle : Son 2:12

people : Jer 5:4; Isa 1:3, Isa 5:12

know : Jer 5:4, Jer 5:5

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per Ayat)

Poole: Jer 8:7 - In the heaven // Knoweth her appointed times // Observe the time of their coming // But my people know not // The judgment of the Lord In the heaven i.e. in the air, which is often called heaven, where the birds fly, Psa 8:8 ; compare Jer 7:33 , who possibly observe the fit time by t...

In the heaven i.e. in the air, which is often called heaven, where the birds fly, Psa 8:8 ; compare Jer 7:33 , who possibly observe the fit time by the temperature of the air.

Knoweth her appointed times i.e. observeth the several seasons of her going and coming by some natural instinct, and this is said of the stork: what kind of fowl is here meant is disputable: see English Annotations and Latin Synopsis.

Observe the time of their coming the same thing diversified in these several fowls, that know also their seasons.

But my people know not: this notes the great stupidity of his people, seeming not to have as much sense in them as the birds in the air, not knowing their summer of prosperity , to make a good use of God’ s favours, nor the winter of adversity, either to prevent or remove that wrath of God that hangs over their heads, Isa 5:12 Luk 19:42,44 ; they know not their time for repentance, and making their peace with God, compared also, on the same account, to the beasts of the field, Isa 1:3 ; and thus Christ upbraids the Pharisees, Mat 16:2,3 .

The judgment of the Lord either God’ s vengeance in general, or particularly hovering over Jerusalem and Judea; or rather, the manner of God’ s dispensations with them. So the word is used 1Sa 2:13 8:11 .

Haydock: Jer 8:7 - Stork Stork. These birds retire at the approach of winter to warmer climates. In Poland swallows plunge into marshes, like frogs. If instinct teach the...

Stork. These birds retire at the approach of winter to warmer climates. In Poland swallows plunge into marshes, like frogs. If instinct teach them to do so, for their preservation, is it not strange that men should be so inconsiderate?

Gill: Jer 8:7 - Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times // and the turtle, and the crane, and the swallow, observe the time of their coming // But my people know not the judgment of the Lord Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times,.... Of going and returning; for this is a bird of passage, as Pliny d and other naturalists ...

Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times,.... Of going and returning; for this is a bird of passage, as Pliny d and other naturalists observe; which goes away as winter approaches, and returns when that is over. The temperature of the air, as to heat and cold, and the natural propensity of such birds of passage to breed their young, are thought to be the incentives to change their habitation; and wonderful thing it is in nature, that they should know the proper time of their passage, what places to go to, and how to steer their course thither; and, as the above naturalist observes, they go and come in the night:

and the turtle, and the crane, and the swallow, observe the time of their coming: for these also are birds of passage; the turtle is absent in the winter, and its coming is a sign of spring, Son 2:11, the crane, according to Aelianus e, goes away with the stork, and returns when winter is over; and the same is observable of the swallow; hence the common saying, one swallow does not make spring; so Horace f uses "hirundine prima" for the beginning of spring. Where these birds retire to is not known; some think the swallows fly into Egypt and Ethiopia; but Olaus Magnus g says they lurk in holes, and even under water, where they hang together, and are sometimes drawn out in clusters, and being brought to the fire, and thawed, will revive and fly about.

But my people know not the judgment of the Lord; meaning not the unsearchable judgments of God, or those providential dispensations of God which are a great deep, and are not clearly discerned and known by the best of men; but either his own judgments, which are inflicted upon wicked men as punishments for sin, which yet are not taken notice of, and duly attended to, as they should be; or rather the law of God, and his revealed word, which is the rule of judgment and justice, and a declaration of righteousness, showing what is just and good, and ought to be done, which they were willingly ignorant of; or else the final and future judgment of God after death, to which all men must come, and into which every thought, word, and work, will be brought, and which day wicked men put far from them; see Isa 1:3.

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki

NET Notes: Jer 8:7 Heb “the ordinance/requirement of the Lord.”

Geneva Bible: Jer 8:7 Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; but my people...

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat

MHCC: Jer 8:4-13 - --What brought this ruin? 1. The people would not attend to reason; they would not act in the affairs of their souls with common prudence. Sin is backsl...

Matthew Henry: Jer 8:4-12 - -- The prophet here is instructed to set before this people the folly of their impenitence, which was it that brought this ruin upon them. They are her...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 8:4-7 - -- The People's Obstinacy in Wickedness, and the Dreadfulness of the Judgment. - Since the people cleaves stedfastly to its sin (Jer 8:4-13), the Lord ...

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Constable: Jer 2:1--25:38 - --A. Warnings of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem chs. 2-25 Chapters 2-25 contain warnings and appeals to t...

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Constable: Jer 8:4-12 - --Blind complacency 8:4-12 8:4 The Lord commanded Jeremiah to ask the people if it was not normal for people to repent after sinning. After all, when so...

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Pendahuluan / Garis Besar

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Haydock: Jeremiah (Pendahuluan Kitab) THE PROPHECY OF JEREMIAS. INTRODUCTION. Jeremias was a priest, a native of Anathoth, a priestly city, in the tribe of Benjamin, and was sanct...

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Advanced Commentary (Kamus, Lagu-Lagu Himne, Gambar, Ilustrasi Khotbah, Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan, dll)

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