TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yeremia 27:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


permulaan(TB/TL) <07225> [A.M. 3409. B.C. 595. the beginning.]


Judul : Yehuda akan ditakluk Nebukadnezar

Perikop : Yer 27:1-22

pemerintahan Zedekia,

2Taw 36:11; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 36:11]

Yeremia 28:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yeremia 39:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Nebukadnezar(TB/TL) <05019> [Now.]

Nebuchadnezzar must have frequently heard of Jeremiah's predictions, many of which were now fulfilled, which would dispose him to respect his character and treat him with kindness.

perintah(TB)/titah(TL) <06680> [gave.]

perantaraan(TB)/kepada(TL) <03027> [to. Heb. by the hand of.]

37:2 *marg:


Judul : Perintah Nebukadnezar untuk melindungi Yeremia

Perikop : Yer 39:11-14

Catatan Frasa: YEREMIA.

Yeremia 49:34

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Elam(TB/TL) <05867> [Cir. A.M. 3406. B.C. 598. Elam.]

Elam, the Elyma‹s of the Greeks and Romans, was properly a province of the Persian empire, between Media and Susiana; but sometimes the name Elam is used in a larger sense, including Susiana and other provinces, (see Da 8:2,) all of which were subdued by Nebuchadnezzar, and afterwards restored and raised to dignity by Cyrus.


Judul : Nubuat mengenai Elam

Perikop : Yer 49:34-39

mengenai Elam,

Kej 10:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:22]

pemerintahan Zedekia,

2Raj 24:18

Catatan Frasa: ELAM.

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