`Eylam <05867>

Mlye `Eylam or Mlwe `Owlam (\\#Ezr 10:2; Jer 49:36\\)

Pelafalan:ay-lawm' o-lawm'
Asal Mula:probably from 05956, Greek 1639 elamithv
Jenis Kata:
Dalam Ibrani:Mlye 20, Mlyew 3, Mlyeb 2, *Mlye {Mlwe} 2, Mlyemw 1
Dalam TB:Elam 28
Dalam AV:Elam 28
Definisi : Elam = "eternity" n pr m 1) a Korhite Levite in the time of David 2) a chief man of the tribe of Benjamin 3) ancestor of a family of exiles who returned with Zerubbabel 4) a chief of the people who signed the covenant with Nehemiah 5) another ancestor of another family of exiles who returned with Zerubbabel 6) a priest who assisted at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah 7) another head of a family of returning exiles n pr loc 8) a province east of Babylon and northeast of the lower Tigris
or mOwlam (Ezra 10:2; Jeremiah 49:36) {o-lawm'}; probably from 5956; hidden, i.e. distant; Elam, a son of Shem and his descendants, with their country; also of six Israelites: KJV -- Elam.
see HEBREW for 05956
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Elam (TB, BIS, TL, FAYH)

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