TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yehezkiel 43:1-4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pintu gerbang ... pintu gerbang ... menghadap .... arah(TB)/pintu gerbang .... pintu(TL) <08179 06437> [the gate that.]


Judul : Kemuliaan Tuhan kembali ke Bait Suci

Perikop : Yeh 43:1-12

sebelah timur.

1Taw 9:18; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 9:18]; Yeh 8:16; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 8:16]; Yeh 42:15; 44:1 [Semua]


kemuliaan ..................... kemuliaan-Nya(TB/TL) <03519> [the glory.]

datang(TB)/datanglah(TL) <0935> [came.]

suara ... suara(TB)/bunyinya(TL) <06963> [and his voice.]

bumi(TB)/jajahan(TL) <0776> [the earth.]


air terjun

Mazm 18:5; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 18:5]; Wahy 1:15; [Lihat FULL. Wahy 1:15] [Semua]

karena kemuliaan-Nya.

Yes 6:3; Wahy 18:1; 21:11 [Semua]


kelihatan .... adalah seperti ... kelihatan kepadaku .......... seperti ... kelihatan(TB)/khayal ...... khayal ....... khayal ............. khayal ..... khayal(TL) <04758> [according to the appearance.]

memusnahkan kota ......... negeri(TB)/kebinasaan negeri(TL) <07843 05892> [to destroy the city. or, to prophesy that the city should be destroyed.]

sungai(TB/TL) <05104> [the river.]


kemuliaan(TB/TL) <03519> [the glory.]

Though the personal presence of Immanuel in the second temple rendered it more glorious than that of Solomon, (Hag 2:5-9,) yet this part of the vision rather relates to the times predicted in the whole of this description, those which shall succeed the conversion of the Jews, and their restoration to their own land.

masuk(TB)/masuklah(TL) <0935> [came.]


Sedang kemuliaan

Yeh 1:28

sebelah timur,

Yeh 10:19; 44:2 [Semua]

TIP #09: Klik ikon untuk merubah tampilan teks alkitab dan catatan hanya seukuran layar atau memanjang. [SEMUA]
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