TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yehezkiel 4:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible



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Hos 9:3; Am 7:17 [Semua]

Yehezkiel 32:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Yehezkiel 40:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kamar-kamar jaga(TB)/bilik(TL) <08372> [the little.]


tiga ...... ketiga-tiganya(TB)/tiga ...... tiga ..... ketiganya(TL) <07969> [they three.]

The entrance into the outer court seems to have been through a porch with doors at both ends; and on each side of this porch were three small chambers, or rooms, for the use of the porters, a reed square in size, with a passage of five cubits between them. The common cubit, termed the "cubit of a man," (De 3:11,) was about 18 inches; but the cubit used by the angel was, as we learn from ch. 43:13, "a cubit and a hand breadth," or about three inches more than the common cubit, that is 21 inches. Hence the measuring reed, which was "six cubits long, by the cubit and the hand breadth," (ver. 5,) must have been about 10« feet

Yehezkiel 40:38

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bilik(TB/TL) <03957> [the chambers.]

membasuh(TB)/dibasuhkan(TL) <01740> [where.]

This place, where the legs and entrails of the sacrifices, especially of the burnt offerings, were washed, was just within the portico of the north entrance to the inner court, or court of the priests. An allusion to this is most probably made by the inspired apostle when writing his Epistle to the Hebrews, at the 10th chapter and 22nd verse. "Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water."


Judul : Kamar untuk siapkan korban

Perikop : Yeh 40:38-43

korban bakaran.

2Taw 4:6; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 4:6]; Yeh 42:13 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: KORBAN BAKARAN.

Yehezkiel 40:40

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Di samping ............ di samping(TB)/sebelah ............... sebelah(TL) <03802> [at the side.]

Two tables were on each side, as you come into the porch of the gate; and two on each side of the inner part of the gate that looked towards the altar; in all eight tables, on which they slew and cut up the victims. It does not appear that any such tables were used either in the tabernacle or temple; and this seems to intimate the introduction of a new and more spiritual dispensation: See the referemces.

dekat(TL) <05927> [as one goeth up. or, at the step.]

TIP #02: Coba gunakan wildcards "*" atau "?" untuk hasil pencarian yang leb?h bai*. [SEMUA]
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