TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Kejadian 44:18


44:18 Then Judah approached him and said, “My lord, please allow your servant to speak a word with you. 1  Please do not get angry with your servant, 2  for you are just like Pharaoh. 3 

Kejadian 44:34

44:34 For how can I go back to my father if the boy is not with me? I couldn’t bear to see 4  my father’s pain.” 5 

Kejadian 44:1

The Final Test

44:1 He instructed the servant who was over his household, “Fill the sacks of the men with as much food as they can carry and put each man’s money in the mouth of his sack.

1 Samuel 19:4-5


19:4 So Jonathan spoke on David’s behalf 6  to his father Saul. He said to him, “The king should not sin against his servant David, for he has not sinned against you. On the contrary, his actions have been very beneficial 7  for you. 19:5 He risked his life 8  when he struck down the Philistine and the Lord gave all Israel a great victory. When you saw it, you were happy. So why would you sin against innocent blood by putting David to death for no reason?”

1 Samuel 25:24-44

25:24 Falling at his feet, she said, “My lord, I accept all the guilt! But please let your female servant speak with my lord! Please listen to the words of your servant! 25:25 My lord should not pay attention to this wicked man Nabal. He simply lives up to his name! His name means ‘fool,’ and he is indeed foolish! 9  But I, your servant, did not see the servants my lord sent. 10 

25:26 “Now, my lord, as surely as the Lord lives and as surely as you live, it is the Lord who has kept you from shedding blood and taking matters into your own hands. Now may your enemies and those who seek to harm my lord be like Nabal. 25:27 Now let this present 11  that your servant has brought to my lord be given to the servants who follow 12  my lord. 25:28 Please forgive the sin of your servant, for the Lord will certainly establish the house of my lord, because my lord fights the battles of the Lord. May no evil be found in you all your days! 25:29 When someone sets out to chase you and to take your life, the life of my lord will be wrapped securely in the bag 13  of the living by the Lord your God. But he will sling away the lives of your enemies from the sling’s pocket! 25:30 The Lord will do for my lord everything that he promised you, 14  and he will make 15  you a leader over Israel. 25:31 Your conscience will not be overwhelmed with guilt 16  for having poured out innocent blood and for having taken matters into your own hands. When the Lord has granted my lord success, 17  please remember your servant.”

25:32 Then David said to Abigail, “Praised 18  be the Lord, the God of Israel, who has sent you this day to meet me! 25:33 Praised be your good judgment! May you yourself be rewarded 19  for having prevented me this day from shedding blood and taking matters into my own hands! 25:34 Otherwise, as surely as the Lord, the God of Israel, lives – he who has prevented me from harming you – if you had not come so quickly to meet me, by morning’s light not even one male belonging to Nabal would have remained alive!” 25:35 Then David took from her hand what she had brought to him. He said to her, “Go back 20  to your home in peace. Be assured that I have listened to you 21  and responded favorably.” 22 

25:36 When Abigail went back to Nabal, he was holding a banquet in his house like that of the king. Nabal was having a good time 23  and was very intoxicated. She told him absolutely nothing 24  until morning’s light. 25:37 In the morning, when Nabal was sober, 25  his wife told him about these matters. He had a stroke and was paralyzed. 26  25:38 After about ten days the Lord struck Nabal down and he died.

25:39 When David heard that Nabal had died, he said, “Praised be the Lord who has vindicated me and avenged the insult that I suffered from Nabal! 27  The Lord has kept his servant from doing evil, and he has repaid Nabal for his evil deeds.” 28  Then David sent word to Abigail and asked her to become his wife.

25:40 So the servants of David went to Abigail at Carmel and said to her, “David has sent us to you to bring you back to be his wife.” 25:41 She arose, bowed her face toward the ground, and said, “Your female servant, like a lowly servant, will wash 29  the feet of the servants of my lord.” 25:42 Then Abigail quickly went and mounted her donkey, with five of her female servants accompanying her. 30  She followed David’s messengers and became his wife.

25:43 David had also married 31  Ahinoam from Jezreel; the two of them became his wives. 25:44 (Now Saul had given his daughter Michal, David’s wife, to Paltiel son of Laish, who was from Gallim.)

Ester 4:13-14

4:13 he 32  said to take back this answer to Esther: 4:14 “Don’t imagine that because you are part of the king’s household you will be the one Jew 33  who will escape. If you keep quiet at this time, liberation and protection for the Jews will appear 34  from another source, 35  while you and your father’s household perish. It may very well be 36  that you have achieved royal status 37  for such a time as this!”

Ester 7:4

7:4 For we have been sold 38  – both I and my people – to destruction and to slaughter and to annihilation! If we had simply been sold as male and female slaves, I would have remained silent, for such distress would not have been sufficient for troubling the king.”

Ayub 32:4--37:24

32:4 Now Elihu had waited before speaking 39  to Job, because the others 40  were older than he was. 32:5 But when Elihu saw 41  that the three men had no further reply, 42  he became very angry.

Elihu Claims Wisdom

32:6 So Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite spoke up: 43 

“I am young, 44  but you are elderly;

that is why I was fearful, 45 

and afraid to explain 46  to you what I know.

32:7 I said to myself, ‘Age 47  should speak, 48 

and length of years 49  should make wisdom known.’

32:8 But it is a spirit in people,

the breath 50  of the Almighty,

that makes them understand.

32:9 It is not the aged 51  who are wise,

nor old men who understand what is right.

32:10 Therefore I say, ‘Listen 52  to me.

I, even I, will explain what I know.’

32:11 Look, I waited for you to speak; 53 

I listened closely to your wise thoughts, 54 while you were searching for words.

32:12 Now I was paying you close attention, 55 

yet 56  there was no one proving Job wrong, 57 

not one of you was answering his statements!

32:13 So do not say, 58  ‘We have found wisdom!

God will refute 59  him, not man!’

32:14 Job 60  has not directed 61  his words to me,

and so I will not reply to him with your arguments. 62 

Job’s Friends Failed to Answer 63 

32:15 “They are dismayed 64  and cannot answer any more;

they have nothing left to say. 65 

32:16 And I have waited. 66  But because they do not speak,

because they stand there and answer no more,

32:17 I too will answer my part,

I too will explain what I know.

32:18 For I am full of words,

and the spirit within me 67  constrains me. 68 

32:19 Inside I am like wine which has no outlet, 69 

like new wineskins 70  ready to burst!

32:20 I will speak, 71  so that I may find relief;

I will open my lips, so that I may answer.

32:21 I will not show partiality to anyone, 72 

nor will I confer a title 73  on any man.

32:22 for I do not know how to give honorary titles, 74 

if I did, 75  my Creator would quickly do away with me. 76 

Elihu Invites Job’s Attention

33:1 “But now, O Job, listen to my words,

and hear 77  everything I have to say! 78 

33:2 See now, I have opened 79  my mouth;

my tongue in my mouth has spoken. 80 

33:3 My words come from the uprightness of my heart, 81 

and my lips will utter knowledge sincerely. 82 

33:4 The Spirit of God has made me,

and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. 83 

33:5 Reply to me, if you can;

set your arguments 84  in order before me

and take your stand!

33:6 Look, I am just like you in relation to God;

I too have been molded 85  from clay.

33:7 Therefore no fear of me should terrify you,

nor should my pressure 86  be heavy on you. 87 

Elihu Rejects Job’s Plea of Innocence

33:8 “Indeed, you have said in my hearing 88 

(I heard the sound of the words!):

33:9 89 ‘I am pure, without transgression;

I am clean 90  and have no iniquity.

33:10 91 Yet God 92  finds occasions 93  with me;

he regards me as his enemy!

33:11 94 He puts my feet in shackles;

he watches closely all my paths.’

33:12 Now in this, you are not right – I answer you, 95 

for God is greater than a human being. 96 

33:13 Why do you contend against him,

that he does not answer all a person’s 97  words?

Elihu Disagrees With Job’s View of God

33:14 “For God speaks, the first time in one way,

the second time in another,

though a person does not perceive 98  it.

33:15 In a dream, a night vision,

when deep sleep falls on people

as they sleep in their beds.

33:16 Then he gives a revelation 99  to people,

and terrifies them with warnings, 100 

33:17 to turn a person from his sin, 101 

and to cover a person’s pride. 102 

33:18 He spares a person’s life from corruption, 103 

his very life from crossing over 104  the river.

33:19 Or a person is chastened 105  by pain on his bed,

and with the continual strife of his bones, 106 

33:20 so that his life loathes food,

and his soul rejects appetizing fare. 107 

33:21 His flesh wastes away from sight,

and his bones, which were not seen,

are easily visible. 108 

33:22 He 109  draws near to the place of corruption,

and his life to the messengers of death. 110 

33:23 If there is an angel beside him,

one mediator 111  out of a thousand,

to tell a person what constitutes his uprightness; 112 

33:24 and if 113  God 114  is gracious to him and says,

‘Spare 115  him from going down

to the place of corruption,

I have found a ransom for him,’ 116 

33:25 then his flesh is restored 117  like a youth’s;

he returns to the days of his youthful vigor. 118 

33:26 He entreats God, and God 119  delights in him,

he sees God’s face 120  with rejoicing,

and God 121  restores to him his righteousness. 122 

33:27 That person sings 123  to others, 124  saying:

‘I have sinned and falsified what is right,

but I was not punished according to what I deserved. 125 

33:28 He redeemed my life 126 

from going down to the place of corruption,

and my life sees the light!’

Elihu’s Appeal to Job 127 

33:29 “Indeed, God does all these things,

twice, three times, in his dealings 128  with a person,

33:30 to turn back his life from the place of corruption,

that he may be enlightened with the light of life.

33:31 Pay attention, Job – listen to me;

be silent, and I will speak.

33:32 If you have any words, 129  reply to me;

speak, for I want to justify you. 130 

33:33 If not, you listen to me;

be silent, and I will teach you wisdom.”

Elihu’s Second Speech 131 

34:1 Elihu answered:

34:2 “Listen to my words, you wise men;

hear 132  me, you learned men. 133 

34:3 For the ear assesses 134  words

as the mouth 135  tastes food.

34:4 Let us evaluate 136  for ourselves what is right; 137 

let us come to know among ourselves what is good.

34:5 For Job says, ‘I am innocent, 138 

but God turns away my right.

34:6 Concerning my right, should I lie? 139 

My wound 140  is incurable,

although I am without transgression.’ 141 

34:7 What man is like Job,

who 142  drinks derision 143  like water!

34:8 He goes about 144  in company 145  with evildoers,

he goes along 146  with wicked men. 147 

34:9 For he says, ‘It does not profit a man

when he makes his delight with God.’ 148 

God is Not Unjust

34:10 “Therefore, listen to me, you men of understanding. 149 

Far be it from 150  God to do wickedness,

from the Almighty to do evil.

34:11 For he repays a person for his work, 151 

and according to the conduct of a person,

he causes the consequences to find him. 152 

34:12 Indeed, in truth, God does not act wickedly,

and the Almighty does not pervert justice.

34:13 Who entrusted 153  to him the earth?

And who put him over 154  the whole world?

34:14 If God 155  were to set his heart on it, 156 

and gather in his spirit and his breath,

34:15 all flesh would perish together

and human beings would return to dust.

God Is Impartial and Omniscient

34:16 “If you have 157  understanding, listen to this,

hear what I have to say. 158 

34:17 Do you really think 159 

that one who hates justice can govern? 160 

And will you declare guilty

the supremely righteous 161  One,

34:18 who says to a king, 162  ‘Worthless man’ 163 

and to nobles, ‘Wicked men,’

34:19 who shows no partiality to princes,

and does not take note of 164  the rich more than the poor,

because all of them are the work of his hands?

34:20 In a moment they die, in the middle of the night, 165 

people 166  are shaken 167  and they pass away.

The mighty are removed effortlessly. 168 

34:21 For his eyes are on the ways of an individual,

he observes all a person’s 169  steps.

34:22 There is no darkness, and no deep darkness,

where evildoers can hide themselves. 170 

34:23 For he does not still consider a person, 171 

that he should come before God in judgment.

34:24 He shatters the great without inquiry, 172 

and sets up others in their place.

34:25 Therefore, he knows their deeds,

he overthrows them 173  in the night 174 

and they are crushed.

34:26 He strikes them for their wickedness, 175 

in a place where people can see, 176 

34:27 because they have turned away from following him,

and have not understood 177  any of his ways,

34:28 so that they caused 178  the cry of the poor

to come before him,

so that he hears 179  the cry of the needy.

34:29 But if God 180  is quiet, who can condemn 181  him?

If he hides his face, then who can see him?

Yet 182  he is over the individual and the nation alike, 183 

34:30 so that the godless man should not rule,

and not lay snares for the people. 184 

Job Is Foolish to Rebel

34:31 “Has anyone said to God,

‘I have endured chastisement, 185 

but I will not act wrongly any more.

34:32 Teach me what I cannot see. 186 

If I have done evil, I will do so no more.’

34:33 Is it your opinion 187  that God 188  should recompense it,

because you reject this? 189 

But you must choose, and not I,

so tell us what you know.

34:34 Men of understanding say to me –

any wise man listening to me says –

34:35 that 190  Job speaks without knowledge

and his words are without understanding. 191 

34:36 But 192  Job will be tested to the end,

because his answers are like those of wicked men.

34:37 For he adds transgression 193  to his sin;

in our midst he claps his hands, 194 

and multiplies his words against God.”

Elihu’s Third Speech 195 

35:1 Then Elihu answered:

35:2 “Do you think this to be 196  just:

when 197  you say, ‘My right before God.’ 198 

35:3 But you say, ‘What will it profit you,’ 199 

and, ‘What do I gain by not sinning?’ 200 

35:4 I 201  will reply to you, 202 

and to your friends with you.

35:5 Gaze at the heavens and see;

consider the clouds, which are higher than you! 203 

35:6 If you sin, how does it affect God? 204 

If your transgressions are many,

what does it do to him? 205 

35:7 If you are righteous, what do you give to God,

or what does he receive from your hand?

35:8 Your wickedness affects only 206  a person like yourself,

and your righteousness only other people. 207 

35:9 “People 208  cry out

because of the excess of oppression; 209 

they cry out for help

because of the power 210  of the mighty. 211 

35:10 But no one says, ‘Where is God, my Creator,

who gives songs in the night, 212 

35:11 who teaches us 213  more than 214  the wild animals of the earth,

and makes us wiser than the birds of the sky?’

35:12 Then 215  they cry out – but he does not answer –

because of the arrogance of the wicked.

35:13 Surely it is an empty cry 216  – God does not hear it;

the Almighty does not take notice of it.

35:14 How much less, then,

when you say that you do not perceive him,

that the case is before him

and you are waiting for him! 217 

35:15 And further, 218  when you say

that his anger does not punish, 219 

and that he does not know transgression! 220 

35:16 So Job opens his mouth to no purpose; 221 

without knowledge he multiplies words.”

Elihu’s Fourth Speech 222 

36:1 Elihu said further: 223 

36:2 “Be patient 224  with me a little longer

and I will instruct you,

for I still have words to speak on God’s behalf. 225 

36:3 With my knowledge I will speak comprehensively, 226 

and to my Creator I will ascribe righteousness. 227 

36:4 For in truth, my words are not false;

it is one complete 228  in knowledge

who is with you.

36:5 Indeed, God is mighty; and he does not despise people, 229 

he 230  is mighty, and firm 231  in his intent. 232 

36:6 He does not allow the wicked to live, 233 

but he gives justice to the poor.

36:7 He does not take his eyes 234  off the righteous;

but with kings on the throne

he seats the righteous 235  and exalts them forever. 236 

36:8 But if they are bound in chains, 237 

and held captive by the cords of affliction,

36:9 then he reveals 238  to them what they have done, 239 

and their transgressions,

that they were behaving proudly.

36:10 And he reveals 240  this 241  for correction,

and says that they must turn 242  from evil.

36:11 If they obey and serve him,

they live out their days in prosperity

and their years in pleasantness. 243 

36:12 But if they refuse to listen,

they pass over the river of death, 244 

and expire without knowledge.

36:13 The godless at heart 245  nourish anger, 246 

they do not cry out even when he binds them.

36:14 They die 247  in their youth,

and their life ends among the male cultic prostitutes. 248 

36:15 He delivers the afflicted by 249  their 250  afflictions,

he reveals himself to them 251  by their suffering.

36:16 And surely, he drew you 252  from the mouth of distress,

to a wide place, unrestricted, 253 

and to the comfort 254  of your table

filled with rich food. 255 

36:17 But now you are preoccupied with the judgment due the wicked,

judgment and justice take hold of you.

36:18 Be careful that 256  no one entices you with riches;

do not let a large bribe 257  turn you aside.

36:19 Would your wealth 258  sustain you,

so that you would not be in distress, 259 

even all your mighty efforts? 260 

36:20 Do not long for the cover of night

to drag people away from their homes. 261 

36:21 Take heed, do not turn to evil,

for because of this you have been tested 262  by affliction.

36:22 Indeed, God is exalted in his power;

who is a teacher 263  like him?

36:23 Who has prescribed his ways for him?

Or said to him, ‘You have done what is wicked’?

36:24 Remember to extol 264  his work,

which people have praised in song.

36:25 All humanity has seen it;

people gaze on it from afar.

The Work and Wisdom of God

36:26 “Yes, God is great – beyond our knowledge! 265 

The number of his years is unsearchable.

36:27 He draws up drops of water;

they distill 266  the rain into its mist, 267 

36:28 which the clouds pour down

and shower on humankind abundantly.

36:29 Who can understand the spreading of the clouds,

the thunderings of his pavilion? 268 

36:30 See how he scattered 269  his lightning 270  about him;

he has covered the depths 271  of the sea.

36:31 It is by these that he judges 272  the nations

and supplies food in abundance.

36:32 With his hands 273  he covers 274  the lightning,

and directs it against its target.

36:33 275 His thunder announces the coming storm,

the cattle also, concerning the storm’s approach.

37:1 At this also my heart pounds

and leaps from its place.

37:2 Listen carefully 276  to the thunder of his voice,

to the rumbling 277  that proceeds from his mouth.

37:3 Under the whole heaven he lets it go,

even his lightning to the far corners 278  of the earth.

37:4 After that a voice roars;

he thunders with an exalted voice,

and he does not hold back his lightning bolts 279 

when his voice is heard.

37:5 God thunders with his voice in marvelous ways; 280 

he does great things beyond our understanding. 281 

37:6 For to the snow he says, ‘Fall 282  to earth,’

and to the torrential rains, 283  ‘Pour down.’ 284 

37:7 He causes everyone to stop working, 285 

so that all people 286  may know 287  his work.

37:8 The wild animals go to their lairs,

and in their dens they remain.

37:9 A tempest blows out from its chamber,

icy cold from the driving winds. 288 

37:10 The breath of God produces ice,

and the breadth of the waters freeze solid.

37:11 He loads the clouds with moisture; 289 

he scatters his lightning through the clouds.

37:12 The clouds 290  go round in circles,

wheeling about according to his plans,

to carry out 291  all that he commands them

over the face of the whole inhabited world.

37:13 Whether it is for punishment 292  for his land,

or whether it is for mercy,

he causes it to find its mark. 293 

37:14 “Pay attention to this, Job!

Stand still and consider the wonders God works.

37:15 Do you know how God commands them, 294 

how he makes lightning flash in his storm cloud? 295 

37:16 Do you know about the balancing 296  of the clouds,

that wondrous activity of him who is perfect in knowledge?

37:17 You, whose garments are hot

when the earth is still because of the south wind,

37:18 will you, with him, spread out 297  the clouds,

solid as a mirror of molten metal?

37:19 Tell us what we should 298  say to him.

We cannot prepare a case 299 

because of the darkness.

37:20 Should he be informed that I want 300  to speak?

If a man speaks, surely he would be swallowed up!

37:21 But now, the sun 301  cannot be looked at 302 

it is bright in the skies –

after a wind passed and swept the clouds away. 303 

37:22 From the north he comes in golden splendor; 304 

around God is awesome majesty.

37:23 As for the Almighty, 305  we cannot attain to him!

He is great in power,

but justice 306  and abundant righteousness he does not oppress.

37:24 Therefore people fear him,

for he does not regard all the wise in heart.” 307 

Amsal 24:11-12


24:11 Deliver those being taken away to death,

and hold back those slipping to the slaughter. 308 

24:12 If you say, “But we did not know about this,”

does not the one who evaluates 309  hearts consider?

Does not the one who guards your life know?

Will he not repay each person according to his deeds? 310 

Amsal 31:8-9


31:8 Open your mouth 311  on behalf of those unable to speak, 312 

for the legal rights of all the dying. 313 

31:9 Open your mouth, judge in righteousness, 314 

and plead the cause 315  of the poor and needy.

Lukas 19:37-40

19:37 As he approached the road leading down from 316  the Mount of Olives, 317  the whole crowd of his 318  disciples began to rejoice 319  and praise 320  God with a loud voice for all the mighty works 321  they had seen: 322  19:38Blessed is the king 323  who comes in the name of the Lord! 324  Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” 19:39 But 325  some of the Pharisees 326  in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” 327  19:40 He answered, 328  “I tell you, if they 329  keep silent, the very stones 330  will cry out!”

Kisah Para Rasul 4:20

4:20 for it is impossible 331  for us not to speak about what we have seen and heard.”
Seret untuk mengatur ukuranSeret untuk mengatur ukuran

[44:18]  1 tn Heb “Please my lord, let your servant speak a word into the ears of my lord.”

[44:18]  2 tn Heb “and let not your anger burn against your servant.”

[44:18]  3 sn You are just like Pharaoh. Judah’s speech begins with the fear and trembling of one who stands condemned. Joseph has as much power as Pharaoh, either to condemn or to pardon. Judah will make his appeal, wording his speech in such a way as to appeal to Joseph’s compassion for the father, whom he mentions no less than fourteen times in the speech.

[44:34]  4 tn The Hebrew text has “lest I see,” which expresses a negative purpose – “I cannot go up lest I see.”

[44:34]  5 tn Heb “the calamity which would find my father.”

[19:4]  6 tn Heb “spoke good with respect to David.”

[19:4]  7 tn Heb “good.”

[19:5]  8 tn Heb “and he put his life into his hand.”

[25:25]  9 tn Heb “and foolishness is with him.”

[25:25]  10 tn Heb “my lord’s servants, whom you sent.”

[25:27]  11 tn Heb “blessing.”

[25:27]  12 tn Heb “are walking at the feet of.”

[25:29]  13 tn Cf. KJV, NAB, NIV, NRSV “bundle”; NLT “treasure pouch.”

[25:30]  14 tn Heb “according to all which he spoke, the good concerning you.”

[25:30]  15 tn Heb “appoint.”

[25:31]  16 tn Heb “and this will not be for you for staggering and for stumbling of the heart of my lord.”

[25:31]  17 tn Heb “and the Lord will do well for my lord.”

[25:32]  18 tn Heb “blessed” (also in vv. 33, 39).

[25:33]  19 tn Heb “blessed.”

[25:35]  20 tn Heb “up.”

[25:35]  21 tn Heb “your voice.”

[25:35]  22 tn Heb “I have lifted up your face.”

[25:36]  23 tn Heb “and the heart of Nabal was good upon him”; NASB, NRSV “Nabal’s heart was merry within him”; NIV “he was in high spirits”; NCV, TEV “was in a good mood”; CEV “was very drunk and feeling good.”

[25:36]  24 tn Heb “and she did not tell him a thing, small or large.”

[25:37]  25 tn Heb “when the wine had gone out from Nabal.”

[25:37]  26 tn Heb “and his heart died within him and he became a stone.” Cf. TEV, NLT “stroke”; CEV “heart attack.” For an alternative interpretation than that presented above, see Marjorie O’Rourke Boyle, “The Law of the Heart: The Death of a Fool (1 Samuel 25),” JBL 120 (2001): 401-27, who argues that a medical diagnosis is not necessary here. Instead, the passage makes a connection between the heart and the law; Nabal dies for his lawlessness.

[25:39]  27 tn Heb “who has argued the case of my insult from the hand of Nabal.”

[25:39]  28 tn Heb “his servant he has held back from evil, and the evil of Nabal the Lord has turned back on his head.”

[25:41]  29 tn Heb “Here is your maidservant, for a lowly servant to wash.”

[25:42]  30 tn Heb “going at her feet.”

[25:43]  31 tn Heb “taken.”

[4:13]  32 tn Heb “Mordecai.” The pronoun (“he”) was used in the translation for stylistic reasons. A repetition of the proper name here is redundant in terms of contemporary English style.

[4:14]  33 tn Heb “from all the Jews”; KJV “more than all the Jews”; NIV “you alone of all the Jews.”

[4:14]  34 tn Heb “stand”; KJV, NASB, NIV, NLT “arise.”

[4:14]  35 tn Heb “place” (so KJV, NIV, NLT); NRSV “from another quarter.” This is probably an oblique reference to help coming from God. D. J. A. Clines disagrees; in his view a contrast between deliverance by Esther and deliverance by God is inappropriate (Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther [NCBC], 302). But Clines’ suggestion that perhaps the reference is to deliverance by Jewish officials or by armed Jewish revolt is less attractive than seeing this veiled reference as part of the literary strategy of the book, which deliberately keeps God’s providential dealings entirely in the background.

[4:14]  36 tn Heb “And who knows whether” (so NASB). The question is one of hope, but free of presumption. Cf. Jonah 3:9.

[4:14]  37 tn Heb “have come to the kingdom”; NRSV “to royal dignity”; NIV “to royal position”; NLT “have been elevated to the palace.”

[7:4]  38 sn The passive verb (“have been sold”) is noncommittal and nonaccusatory with regard to the king’s role in the decision to annihilate the Jews.

[32:4]  39 tc This reading requires repointing the word בִּדְבָרִים (bidbarim, “with words”) to בְּדָבְּרָם (bÿdabbÿram, “while they spoke [with Job]”). If the MT is retained, it would mean “he waited for Job with words,” which while understandable is awkward.

[32:4]  40 tn Heb “they”; the referent (the other friends) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[32:5]  41 tn The first clause beginning with a vav (ו) consecutive and the preterite can be subordinated to the next similar verb as a temporal clause.

[32:5]  42 tn Heb “that there was no reply in the mouth of the three men.”

[32:6]  43 tn Heb “answered and said.”

[32:6]  44 tn The text has “small in days.”

[32:6]  45 tn The verb זָחַלְתִּי (zakhalti) is found only here in the OT, but it is found in a ninth century Aramaic inscription as well as in Biblical Aramaic. It has the meaning “to be timid” (see H. H. Rowley, Job [NCBC], 208).

[32:6]  46 tn The Piel infinitive with the preposition (מֵחַוֹּת, mekhavvot) means “from explaining.” The phrase is the complement: “explain” what Elihu feared.

[32:7]  47 tn Heb “days.”

[32:7]  48 tn The imperfect here is to be classified as an obligatory imperfect.

[32:7]  49 tn Heb “abundance of years.”

[32:8]  50 tn This is the word נְשָׁמָה (nÿshamah, “breath”); according to Gen 2:7 it was breathed into Adam to make him a living person (“soul”). With that divine impartation came this spiritual understanding. Some commentators identify the רוּחַ (ruakh) in the first line as the Spirit of God; this “breath” would then be the human spirit. Whether Elihu knew that much, however, is hard to prove.

[32:9]  51 tn The MT has “the great” or “the many,” meaning great in years according to the parallelism.

[32:10]  52 tc In most Hebrew mss this imperative is singular, and so addressed to Job. But two Hebrew mss and the versions have the plural. Elihu was probably addressing all of them.

[32:11]  53 tn Heb “for your words.”

[32:11]  54 tn The word means “understanding.” It refers to the faculty of perception and comprehension; but it also can refer to what that produces, especially when it is in the plural (see Ps 49:4). See R. Gordis, Job, 368. Others translate it “reasonings,” “arguments,” etc.

[32:12]  55 tn The verb again is from בִּין (bin, “to perceive; to understand”); in this stem it means to “to pay close attention.”

[32:12]  56 tn The particle הִנֵּה (hinneh, “behold”) has a deictic force here, calling attention to the thought that is now presented.

[32:12]  57 tn The participle מוֹכִיחַ (mokhiakh) is from the verb יָכַח (yakhakh) that has been used frequently in the book of Job. It means “to argue; to contend; to debate; to prove; to dispute.” The usage of the verb shows that it can focus on the beginning of an argument, the debating itself, or the resolution of the conflict. Here the latter is obviously meant, for they did argue and contend and criticize – but could not prove Job wrong.

[32:13]  58 tn Heb “lest you say.” R. Gordis (Job, 368) calls this a breviloquence: “beware lest [you say].” He then suggests the best reading for their quote to be, “We have attained wisdom, but only God can refute him, not man.” H. H. Rowley (Job [NCBC], 209) suggests the meaning is a little different, namely, that they are saying they have found wisdom in Job, and only God can deal with it. Elihu is in effect saying that they do not need God, for he is quite capable for this.

[32:13]  59 tn The root is נָדַף (nadaf, “to drive away; to drive off”). Here it is in the abstract sense of “succeed in doing something; confound,” and so “refute; rebut.” Dhorme wants to change the meaning of the word with a slight emendation in the text, deriving it from אָלַף (’alaf, “instruct”) the form becoming יַלְּפֶנוּ (yallÿfenu) instead of יִדְּפֶנּוּ (yiddÿfenu), obtaining the translation “God will instruct us.” This makes a smoother reading, but does not have much support for it.

[32:14]  60 tn Heb “he”; the referent (Job) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[32:14]  61 tn The verb עַרַךְ (’arakh) means “to arrange in order; to set forth; to direct; to marshal.” It is used in military contexts for setting the battle array; it is used in legal settings for preparing the briefs.

[32:14]  62 tn Heb “your words.”

[32:15]  63 sn Elihu now will give another reason why he will speak – the arguments of these friends failed miserably. But before he gets to his argument, he will first qualify his authority.

[32:15]  64 tn The verb חַתּוּ (khattu) is from חָתַת (khatat) which means “to be terrified.” But here it stresses the resulting dilemma. R. Gordis (Job, 369) renders it, “they are shattered, beaten in an argument.”

[32:15]  65 tn Heb “words have moved away from them,” meaning words are gone from them, they have nothing left to say.

[32:16]  66 tn Some commentators take this as a question: “And shall [or must] I wait because they do not speak?” (A. B. Davidson, R. Gordis). But this is not convincing because the silence of the friends is the reason for him to speak, not to wait.

[32:18]  67 tn Heb “the spirit of my belly.”

[32:18]  68 tn The verb צוּק (tsuq) means “to constrain; to urge; to press.” It is used in Judg 14:17; 16:16 with the sense of wearing someone down with repeated entreaties. Elihu cannot withhold himself any longer.

[32:19]  69 tn Heb “in my belly I am like wine that is not opened” (a Niphal imperfect), meaning sealed up with no place to escape.

[32:19]  70 tc The Hebrew text has כְּאֹבוֹת חֲדָשִׁים (kÿovot khadashim), traditionally rendered “like new wineskins.” But only here does the phrase have this meaning. The LXX has “smiths” for “new,” thus “like smith’s bellows.” A. Guillaume connects the word with an Arabic word for a wide vessel for wine shaped like a cup (“Archaeological and philological note on Job 32:19,” PEQ 93 [1961]: 147-50). Some have been found in archaeological sites. The poor would use skins, the rich would use jars. The key to putting this together is the verb at the end of the line, יִבָּקֵעַ (yibbaqea’, “that are ready to burst”). The point of the statement is that Elihu is bursting to speak, and until now has not had the opening.

[32:20]  71 tn The cohortative expresses Elihu’s resolve to speak.

[32:21]  72 tn The idiom is “I will not lift up the face of a man.” Elihu is going to show no favoritism, but speak his mind.

[32:21]  73 tn The verb means “to confer an honorary title; to give a mark of distinction,” but it is often translated with the verb “flatter.” Elihu will not take sides, he will not use pompous titles.

[32:22]  74 tn The construction uses a perfect verb followed by the imperfect. This is a form of subordination equivalent to a complementary infinitive (see GKC 385-86 §120.c).

[32:22]  75 tn The words “if I did” are supplied in the translation to make sense out of the two clauses.

[32:22]  76 tn Heb “quickly carry me away.”

[33:1]  77 tn Heb “give ear,” the Hiphil denominative verb from “ear.”

[33:1]  78 tn Heb “hear all my words.”

[33:2]  79 tn The perfect verbs in this verse should be classified as perfects of resolve: “I have decided to open…speak.”

[33:2]  80 sn H. H. Rowley (Job [NCBC], 210) says, “The self-importance of Elihu is boundless, and he is the master of banality.” He adds that whoever wrote these speeches this way clearly intended to expose the character rather than exalt him.

[33:3]  81 tc This expression is unusual; R. Gordis (Job, 371) says it can be translated, “the purity of my heart [is reflected] in my words,” but that is far-fetched and awkward. So there have been suggestions for emending יֹשֶׁר (yosher, “uprightness”). Kissane’s makes the most sense if a change is desired: “shall reveal” (an Arabic sense of yasher), although Holscher interpreted “shall affirm” (yasher, with a Syriac sense). Dhorme has “my heart will repeat” (יָשׁוּר, yashur), but this is doubtful. If Kissane’s view is taken, it would say, “my heart will reveal my words.” Some commentators would join “and knowledge” to this colon, and read “words of knowledge” – but that requires even more emendations.

[33:3]  82 tn More literally, “and the knowledge of my lips they will speak purely.”

[33:4]  83 tc Some commentators want to put this verse after v. 6, while others omit the verse entirely. Elihu is claiming here that he is inspired by God.

[33:4]  tn The verb תְּחַיֵּנִי (tÿkhayyeni) is the Piel imperfect of the verb “to live.” It can mean “gives me life,” but it can also me “quickens me, enlivens me.”

[33:5]  84 tn The Hebrew text does not contain the term “arguments,” but this verb has been used already for preparing or arranging a defense.

[33:6]  85 tn The verb means “nipped off,” as a potter breaks off a piece of clay when molding a vessel.

[33:7]  86 tc The noun means “my pressure; my burden” in the light of the verb אָכֲף (’akhaf, “to press on; to grip tightly”). In the parallel passages the text used “hand” and “rod” in the hand to terrify. The LXX has “hand” here for this word. But simply changing it to “hand” is ruled out because the verb is masculine.

[33:7]  87 tn See Job 9:34 and 13:21.

[33:8]  88 tn Heb “in my ears.”

[33:9]  89 sn See Job 9:21; 10:7; 23:7; 27:4; ch. 31.

[33:9]  90 tn The word is a hapax legomenon; hap is from חָפַף (khafaf). It is used in New Hebrew in expressions like “to wash” the head. Cognates in Syriac and Akkadian support the meaning “to wash; to clean.”

[33:10]  91 sn See Job 10:13ff.; 19:6ff.; and 13:24.

[33:10]  92 tn Heb “he”; the referent (God) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[33:10]  93 tn The Hebrew means “frustrations” or “oppositions.” The RSV has “displeasure,” NIV “faults,” and NRSV “occasions.” Rashi chose the word found in Judg 14:4 – with metathesis – meaning “pretexts” (תֹּאֲנוֹת, toanot); this is followed by NAB, NASB.

[33:11]  94 sn See Job 13:27.

[33:12]  95 tn The meaning of this verb is “this is my answer to you.”

[33:12]  96 tc The LXX has “he that is above men is eternal.” Elihu is saying that God is far above Job’s petty problems.

[33:13]  97 tc The MT has “all his words.” This must refer to “man” in the previous verse. But many wish to change it to “my words,” since it would be summarizing Job’s complaint to God.

[33:14]  98 tn The Syriac and the Vulgate have “and he does not repeat it,” a reading of the text as it is, according to E. Dhorme (Job, 403). But his argument is based on another root with this meaning – a root which does not exist (see L. Dennefeld, RB 48 [1939]: 175). The verse is saying that God does speak to man.

[33:16]  99 tn The idiom is “he uncovers the ear of men.” This expression means “inform” in Ruth 4:4; 1 Sam 20:2, etc. But when God is the subject it means “make a revelation” (see 1 Sam 9:15; 2 Sam 7:27).

[33:16]  100 tc Heb “and seals their bonds.” The form of the present translation, “and terrifies them with warnings,” is derived only by emending the text. Aquila, the Vulgate, Syriac, and Targum Job have “their correction” for “their bond,” which is what the KJV used. But the LXX, Aquila, and the Syriac have “terrifies” for the verb. This involves a change in pointing from יָחְתֹּם (yakhtom) to יְחִתֵּם (yÿkhittem). The LXX has “appearances of fear” instead of “bonds.” The point of the verse seems to be that by terrifying dreams God makes people aware of their ways.

[33:17]  101 tc The MT simply has מַעֲשֶׂה (maaseh, “deed”). The LXX has “from his iniquity” which would have been מֵעַוְלָה (meavlah). The two letters may have dropped out by haplography. The MT is workable, but would have to mean “[evil] deeds.”

[33:17]  102 tc Here too the sense of the MT is difficult to recover. Some translations took it to mean that God hides pride from man. Many commentators changed יְכַסֶּה (yÿkhasseh, “covers”) to יְכַסֵּחַ (yÿkhasseakh, “he cuts away”), or יְכַלֶּה (yÿkhalleh, “he puts an end to”). The various emendations are not all that convincing.

[33:18]  103 tn A number of interpreters and translations take this as “the pit” (see Job 17:14; cf. NAB, NASB, NIV, NRSV).

[33:18]  104 tc Here is another difficult line. The verb normally means “to pass through; to pass over,” and so this word would normally mean “from passing through [or over].” The word שֶׁלַח (shelakh) does at times refer to a weapon, but most commentators look for a parallel with “the pit [or corruption].” One suggestion is שְׁאוֹלָה (shÿolah, “to Sheol”), proposed by Duhm. Dhorme thought it was שַׁלַח (shalakh) and referred to the passageway to the underworld (see M. Tsevat, VT 4 [1954]: 43; and Svi Rin, BZ 7 [1963]: 25). See discussion of options in HALOT 1517-18 s.v. IV שֶׁלַח. The idea of crossing the river of death fits the idea of the passage well, although the reading “to perish by the sword” makes sense and was followed by the NIV.

[33:19]  105 tc The MT has the passive form, and so a subject has to be added: “[a man] is chastened.” The LXX has the active form, indicating “[God] chastens,” but the object “a man” has to be added. It is understandable why the LXX thought this was active, within this sequence of verbs; and that is why it is the inferior reading.

[33:19]  106 tc The Kethib “the strife of his bones is continual,” whereas the Qere has “the multitude of his bones are firm.” The former is the better reading in this passage. It indicates that the pain is caused by the ongoing strife.

[33:20]  107 tn Heb “food of desire.” The word “rejects” is not in the Hebrew text, but is supplied in the translation for clarity.

[33:21]  108 tc Heb “are laid bare.” This is the Qere reading; the Kethib means “bare height.” Gordis reverses the word order: “his bones are bare [i.e., crushed] so that they cannot be looked upon.” But the sense of that is not clear.

[33:22]  109 tn Heb “his soul [נֶפֶשׁ, nefesh, “life”] draws near.”

[33:22]  110 tn The MT uses the Hiphil participle, “to those who cause death.” This seems to be a reference to the belief in demons that brought about death, an idea not mentioned in the Bible itself. Thus many proposals have been made for this expression. Hoffmann and Budde divide the word into לְמוֹ מֵתִּים (lÿmo metim) and simply read “to the dead.” Dhorme adds a couple of letters to get לִמְקוֹם מֵתִּים (limqom metim, “to the place [or abode] of the dead”).

[33:23]  111 sn The verse is describing the way God can preserve someone from dying by sending a messenger (translated here as “angel”), who could be human or angelic. This messenger will interpret/mediate God’s will. By “one … out of a thousand” Elihu could have meant either that one of the thousands of messengers at God’s disposal might be sent or that the messenger would be unique (see Eccl 7:28; and cp. Job 9:3).

[33:23]  112 tn This is a smoother reading. The MT has “to tell to a man his uprightness,” to reveal what is right for him. The LXX translated this word “duty”; the choice is adopted by some commentaries. However, that is too far from the text, which indicates that the angel/messenger is to call the person to uprightness.

[33:24]  113 tn This verse seems to continue the protasis begun in the last verse, with the apodosis coming in the next verse.

[33:24]  114 tn Heb “he”; the referent (God) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[33:24]  115 tc The verb is either taken as an anomalous form of פָּדַע (pada’, “to rescue; to redeem,” or “to exempt him”), or it is emended to some similar word, like פָּרַע (para’, “to let loose,” so Wright).

[33:24]  116 sn This verse and v. 28 should be compared with Ps 49:7-9, 15 (8-10, 16 HT) where the same basic vocabulary and concepts are employed.

[33:25]  117 tc The word רֻטֲפַשׁ (rutafash) is found nowhere else. One suggestion is that it should be יִרְטַב (yirtav, “to become fresh”), connected to רָטַב (ratav, “to be well watered [or moist]”). It is also possible that it was a combination of רָטַב (ratav, “to be well watered”) and טָפַשׁ (tafash, “to grow fat”). But these are all guesses in the commentaries.

[33:25]  118 tn The word describes the period when the man is healthy and vigorous, ripe for what life brings his way.

[33:26]  119 tn Heb “he”; the referent (God) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[33:26]  120 tn Heb “his face”; the referent (God) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[33:26]  sn This is usually taken to mean that as a worshiper this individual comes into the presence of the Lord in prayer, and in the sanctuary he sees God’s face, i.e., he sees the evidence of God’s presence.

[33:26]  121 tn Heb “he”; the referent (God) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[33:26]  122 tc Many commentators think this line is superfluous and so delete it. The RSV changed the verb to “he recounts,” making the idea that the man publishes the news of his victory or salvation (taking “righteousness” as a metonymy of cause).

[33:27]  123 tc The verb יָשֹׁר (yashor) is unusual. The typical view is to change it to יָשִׁיר (yashir, “he sings”), but that may seem out of harmony with a confession. Dhorme suggests a root שׁוּר (shur, “to repeat”), but this is a doubtful root. J. Reider reads it יָשֵׁיר (yasher) and links it to an Arabic word “confesses” (ZAW 24 [1953]: 275).

[33:27]  124 tn Heb “to men.”

[33:27]  125 tn The verb שָׁוָה (shavah) has the impersonal meaning here, “it has not been requited to me.” The meaning is that the sinner has not been treated in accordance with his deeds: “I was not punished according to what I deserved.”

[33:28]  126 sn See note on “him” in v. 24.

[33:29]  127 sn Elihu will repeat these instructions for Job to listen, over and over in painful repetition. See note on the heading to 32:1.

[33:29]  128 tn The phrase “in his dealings” is not in the Hebrew text, but has been supplied in the translation for clarification.

[33:32]  129 tn Heb “if there are words.”

[33:32]  130 tn The infinitive construct serves as the complement or object of “I desire.” It could be rendered “to justify you” or “your justification, “namely, “that you be justified.”

[34:1]  131 sn This speech of Elihu focuses on defending God. It can be divided into these sections: Job is irreligious (2-9), God is just (10-15), God is impartial and omniscient (16-30), Job is foolish to rebel (31-37).

[34:2]  132 tn Heb “give ear to me.”

[34:2]  133 tn The Hebrew word means “the men who know,” and without a complement it means “to possess knowledge.”

[34:3]  134 tn Or “examines; tests; tries; discerns.”

[34:3]  135 tn Or “palate”; the Hebrew term refers to the tongue or to the mouth in general.

[34:4]  136 sn Elihu means “choose after careful examination.”

[34:4]  137 tn The word is מִשְׁפָּט (mishpat) again, with the sense of what is right or just.

[34:5]  138 tn Heb “righteous,” but in this context it means to be innocent or in the right.

[34:6]  139 tn The verb is the Piel imperfect of כָּזַב (kazav), meaning “to lie.” It could be a question: “Should I lie [against my right?] – when I am innocent. If it is repointed to the Pual, then it can be “I am made to lie,” or “I am deceived.” Taking it as a question makes good sense here, and so emendations are unnecessary.

[34:6]  140 tn The Hebrew text has only “my arrow.” Some commentators emend that word slightly to get “my wound.” But the idea could be derived from “arrows” as well, the wounds caused by the arrows. The arrows are symbolic of God’s affliction.

[34:6]  141 tn Heb “without transgression”; but this is parallel to the first part where the claim is innocence.

[34:7]  142 tn Heb “he drinks,” but coming after the question this clause may be subordinated.

[34:7]  143 tn The scorn or derision mentioned here is not against Job, but against God. Job scorns God so much, he must love it. So to reflect this idea, Gordis has translated it “blasphemy” (cf. NAB).

[34:8]  144 tn The perfect verb with the vav (ו) consecutive carries the sequence forward from the last description.

[34:8]  145 tn The word חֶבְרַה (khevrah, “company”) is a hapax legomenon. But its meaning is clear enough from the connections to related words and this context as well.

[34:8]  146 tn The infinitive construct with the ל (lamed) preposition may continue the clause with the finite verb (see GKC 351 §114.p).

[34:8]  147 tn Heb “men of wickedness”; the genitive is attributive (= “wicked men”).

[34:9]  148 tn Gordis, however, takes this expression in the sense of “being in favor with God.”

[34:10]  149 tn Heb “men of heart.” The “heart” is used for the capacity to understand and make the proper choice. It is often translated “mind.”

[34:10]  150 tn For this construction, see Job 27:5.

[34:11]  151 tn Heb “for the work of man, he [= God] repays him.”

[34:11]  152 tn Heb “he causes it to find him.” The text means that God will cause a man to find (or receive) the consequences of his actions.

[34:13]  153 tn The verb פָּקַד (paqad) means “to visit; to appoint; to number.” Here it means “to entrust” for care and governing. The implication would be that there would be someone higher than God – which is what Elihu is repudiating by the rhetorical question. No one entrusted God with this.

[34:13]  154 tn The preposition is implied from the first half of the verse.

[34:14]  155 tn Heb “he”; the referent (God) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[34:14]  156 tc This is the reading following the Qere. The Kethib and the Syriac and the LXX suggest a reading יָשִׂים (yasim, “if he [God] recalls”). But this would require leaving out “his heart,” and would also require redividing the verse to make “his spirit” the object. It makes better parallelism, but may require too many changes.

[34:16]  157 tn The phrase “you have” is not in the Hebrew text, but is implied.

[34:16]  158 tn Heb “the sound of my words.”

[34:17]  159 tn The force of הַאַף (haaf) is “Is it truly the case?” The point is being made that if Job were right God could not be judging the world.

[34:17]  160 tn The verb חָבַשׁ (khavash) has the basic idea of “to bind,” as in binding on the yoke, and then in the sense of subduing people under authority (cf. Assyrian absanu). The imperfect verb here is best expressed with the potential nuance.

[34:17]  161 tn The two words could be taken separately, but they seem to form a fine nominal hendiadys, because the issue is God’s justice. So the word for power becomes the modifier.

[34:18]  162 tc Heb “Does one say,” although some smooth it out to say “Is it fit to say?” For the reading “who says,” the form has to be repointed to הַאֹמֵר (haomer) meaning, “who is the one saying.” This reading is supported by the LXX, Vulgate, and Syriac. Also it seems to flow better with the following verse. It would be saying that God is over the rulers and can rebuke them. The former view is saying that no one rebukes kings, much less Job rebuking God.

[34:18]  163 tn The word בְּלִיָּעַל (bÿliyyaal) means both “worthless” and “wicked.” It is common in proverbial literature, and in later writings it became a description of Satan. It is usually found with “son of.”

[34:19]  164 tn The verb means “to give recognition; to take note of” and in this passage with לִפְנֵי (lifne, “before”) it means to show preferential treatment to the rich before the poor. The word for “rich” here is an unusual word, found parallel to “noble” (Isa 32:2). P. Joüon thinks it is a term of social distinction (Bib 18 [1937]: 207-8).

[34:20]  165 tn Dhorme transposes “in the middle of the night” with “they pass away” to get a smoother reading. But the MT emphasizes the suddenness by putting both temporal ideas first. E. F. Sutcliffe leaves the order as it stands in the text, but adds a verb “they expire” after “in the middle of the night” (“Notes on Job, textual and exegetical,” Bib 30 [1949]: 79ff.).

[34:20]  166 tn R. Gordis (Job, 389) thinks “people” here mean the people who count, the upper class.

[34:20]  167 tn The verb means “to be violently agitated.” There is no problem with the word in this context, but commentators have made suggestions for improving the idea. The proposal that has the most to commend it, if one were inclined to choose a new word, is the change to יִגְוָעוּ (yigvau, “they expire”; so Ball, Holscher, Fohrer, and others).

[34:20]  168 tn Heb “not by hand.” This means without having to use force.

[34:21]  169 tn Heb “his”; the referent (a person) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[34:22]  170 tn The construction of this colon uses the Niphal infinitive construct from סָתַר (satar, “to be hidden; to hide”). The resumptive adverb makes this a relative clause in its usage: “where the evildoers can hide themselves.”

[34:23]  171 tn Heb “for he does not put upon man yet.” This has been given a wide variety of interpretations, all of which involve a lot of additional thoughts. The word עוֹד (’od, “yet, still”) has been replaced with מוֹעֵד (moed, “an appointed time,” Reiske and Wright), with the ם (mem) having dropped out by haplography. This makes good sense. If the MT is retained, the best interpretation would be that God does not any more consider (from “place upon the heart”) man, that he might appear in judgment.

[34:24]  172 tn Heb “[with] no investigation.”

[34:25]  173 tn The direct object “them” is implied and has been supplied in the translation for clarity.

[34:25]  174 tn The Hebrew term “night” is an accusative of time.

[34:26]  175 tn Heb “under wicked men,” or “under wickednesses.” J. C. Greenfield shows that the preposition can mean “among” as well (“Prepositions B Tachat in Jes 57:5,” ZAW 32 [1961]: 227). That would allow “among wicked men.” It could also be “instead of” or even “in return for [their wickedness]” which is what the RSV does.

[34:26]  176 tn The text simply uses רֹאִים (roim): “[in the place where there are] seers,” i.e., spectators.

[34:27]  177 tn The verb הִשְׂכִּילוּ (hiskilu) means “to be prudent; to be wise.” From this is derived the idea of “be wise in understanding God’s will,” and “be successful because of prudence” – i.e., successful with God.

[34:28]  178 tn The verse begins with the infinitive construct of בּוֹא (bo’, “go”), showing the result of their impious actions.

[34:28]  179 tn The verb here is an imperfect; the clause is circumstantial to the preceding clause, showing either the result, or the concomitant action.

[34:29]  180 tn Heb “he”; the referent (God) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[34:29]  181 tn The verb in this position is somewhat difficult, although it does make good sense in the sentence – it is just not what the parallelism would suggest. So several emendations have been put forward, for which see the commentaries.

[34:29]  182 tn The line simply reads “and over a nation and over a man together.” But it must be the qualification for the points being made in the previous lines, namely, that even if God hides himself so no one can see, yet he is still watching over them all (see H. H. Rowley, Job [NCBC], 222).

[34:29]  183 tn The word translated “alike” (Heb “together”) has bothered some interpreters. In the reading taken here it is acceptable. But others have emended it to gain a verb, such as “he visits” (Beer), “he watches over” (Duhm), “he is compassionate” (Kissane), etc. But it is sufficient to say “he is over.”

[34:30]  184 tn This last verse is difficult because it is unbalanced and cryptic. Some have joined the third line of v. 29 with this entire verse to make a couplet. But the same result is achieved by simply regarding this verse as the purpose of v. 29. But there still are some words that must be added. In the first colon, “[he is over the nations]…preventing from ruling.” And in the second colon, “laying” has to be supplied before “snares.”

[34:31]  185 tn The Hebrew text has only “I lift up” or “I bear” (= I endure). The reading “I have been led astray” is obtained by changing the vowels to read a passive. If the MT is retained, an object has to be supplied, such as “chastisement” (so RSV, NASB) or “punishment” (NRSV). If not, then a different reading would be followed (e.g., “I was misguided” [NAB]; “I am guilty” [NIV]).

[34:32]  186 tn Heb “what I do not see,” more specifically, “apart from [that which] I see.”

[34:33]  187 tn Heb “is it from with you,” an idiomatic expression meaning “to suit you” or “according to your judgment.”

[34:33]  188 tn Heb “he”; the referent (God) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[34:33]  189 tn There is no object on the verb, and the meaning is perhaps lost. The best guess is that Elihu is saying Job has rejected his teaching.

[34:35]  190 tn Adding “that” in the translation clarifies Elihu’s indirect citation of the wise individuals’ words.

[34:35]  191 tn The Hiphil infinitive construct is here functioning as a substantive. The word means “prudence; understanding.”

[34:36]  192 tc The MT reads אָבִי (’avi, “my father”), which makes no sense. Some follow the KJV and emend the word to make a verb “I desire” or use the noun “my desire of it.” Others follow an Arabic word meaning “entreat, I pray” (cf. ESV, “Would that Job were tried”). The LXX and the Syriac versions have “but” and “surely” respectively. Since this is the only ms support, albeit weak, it may be the best choice. In this sense Elihu would be saying that because of Job’s attitude God will continue to test him.

[34:37]  193 tn Although frequently translated “rebellion,” the basic meaning of this Hebrew term is “transgression.”

[34:37]  194 tc If this reading stands, it would mean that Job shows contempt, meaning that he mocks them and accuses God. It is a bold touch, but workable. Of the many suggested emendations, Dhorme alters some of the vowels and obtains a reading “and casts doubt among us,” and then takes “transgression” from the first colon for the complement. Some commentators simply delete the line.

[35:1]  195 sn This short speech falls into two sections: Elihu refutes Job’s claim that goodness avails nothing (35:2-8), asserting that when the cry of the afflicted goes unanswered they have not learned their lesson (35:9-16).

[35:2]  196 tn The line could be read as “do you reckon this for justice? Here “to be” is understood.

[35:2]  197 tn The word “when” is not in the Hebrew text, but is implied.

[35:2]  198 tn The brief line could be interpreted in a number of ways. The MT simply has “my right from God.” It could be “I am right before God,” “I am more just/right than God” (identifying the preposition as a comparative min (מִן); cf. J. E. Hartley, Job [NICOT], 463), “I will be right before God,” or “My just cause against God.”

[35:3]  199 tn The referent of “you” is usually understood to be God.

[35:3]  200 tn The Hebrew text merely says, “What do I gain from my sin?” But Job has claimed that he has not sinned, and so this has to be elliptical: “more than if I had sinned” (H. H. Rowley, Job [NCBC], 224). It could also be, “What do I gain without sin?”

[35:4]  201 tn The emphatic pronoun calls attention to Elihu who will answer these questions.

[35:4]  202 tn The Hebrew text adds, “with words,” but since this is obvious, for stylistic reasons it has not been included in the translation.

[35:5]  203 tn The preposition is taken here as a comparative min (מִן). The line could also read “that are high above you.” This idea has appeared in the speech of Eliphaz (22:12), Zophar (11:7ff.), and even Job (9:8ff.).

[35:6]  204 tn Heb “him” (also in v. 7); the referent (God) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[35:6]  205 tn See Job 7:20.

[35:8]  206 tn The phrase “affects only” is supplied in the translation of this nominal sentence.

[35:8]  sn According to Strahan, “Elihu exalts God’s greatness at the cost of His grace, His transcendence at the expense of His immanence. He sets up a material instead of a spiritual stand of profit and loss. He does not realize that God does gain what He desires most by the goodness of men, and loses what He most loves by their evil.”

[35:8]  207 tn Heb “and to [or for] a son of man, your righteousness.”

[35:9]  208 tn The word “people” is supplied, because the sentence only has the masculine plural verb.

[35:9]  209 tn The final noun is an abstract plural, “oppression.” There is no reason to change it to “oppressors” to fit the early versions. The expression is literally “multitude of oppression.”

[35:9]  210 tn Heb “the arm,” a metaphor for strength or power.

[35:9]  211 tn Or “of the many” (see HALOT 1172 s.v. I רַב 6.a).

[35:10]  212 tn There have been several attempts to emend the line, none of which are particularly helpful or interesting. H. H. Rowley (Job [NCBC], 225) says, “It is a pity to rob Elihu of a poetic line when he creates one.”

[35:11]  213 tn The form in the text, the Piel participle from אָלַף (’alaf, “teach”) is written in a contracted form; the full form is מְאַלְּפֵנוּ (mÿallÿfenu).

[35:11]  214 tn Some would render this “teaches us by the beasts.” But Elihu is stressing the unique privilege humans have.

[35:12]  215 tn The adverb שָׁם (sham, “there”) connects this verse to v. 11. “There” can be locative or temporal – and here it is temporal (= “then”).

[35:13]  216 tn Heb “surely – vanity, he does not hear.” The cry is an empty cry, not a prayer to God. Dhorme translates it, “It is a pure waste of words.”

[35:14]  217 sn The point is that if God does not listen to those who do not turn to him, how much less likely is he to turn to one who complains against him.

[35:15]  218 tn The expression “and now” introduces a new complaint of Elihu – in addition to the preceding. Here the verb of v. 14, “you say,” is understood after the temporal ki (כִּי).

[35:15]  219 tn The verb פָקַד (paqad) means “to visit” (also “to appoint; to muster; to number”). When God visits, it means that he intervenes in one’s life for blessing or cursing (punishing, destroying).

[35:15]  220 tn The word פַּשׁ (pash) is a hapax legomenon. K&D 12:275 derived it from an Arabic word meaning “belch,” leading to the idea of “overflow.” BDB 832 s.v. defines it as “folly.” Several define it as “transgression” on the basis of the versions (Theodotion, Symmachus, Vulgate). The RSV took it as “greatly heed,” but that is not exactly “greatly know,” when the text beyond that requires “not know at all.” The NIV has “he does not take the least notice of wickedness.”

[35:16]  221 tn The word הֶבֶל (hevel) means “vanity; futility; to no purpose.”

[36:1]  222 sn This very lengthy speech can be broken down into the following sections: the discipline of suffering (36:2-25), the work and wisdom of God (36:2637:24).

[36:1]  223 tn The use of וַיֹּסֶף (vayyosef) is with the hendiadys construction: “and he added and said,” meaning “and he said again, further.”

[36:2]  224 tn The verb כָּתַּר (kattar) is the Piel imperative; in Hebrew the word means “to surround” and is related to the noun for crown. But in Syriac it means “to wait.” This section of the book of Job will have a few Aramaic words.

[36:2]  225 tn The Hebrew text simply has “for yet for God words.”

[36:3]  226 tn Heb “I will carry my knowledge to-from afar.” The expression means that he will give a wide range to knowledge, that he will speak comprehensively.

[36:3]  227 tn This line gives the essence of all of Elihu’s speech – to give or ascribe righteousness to God against the charges of Job. Dhorme translates this “I will justify my Maker,” and that is workable if it carries the meaning of “declaring to be right.”

[36:4]  228 tn The word is תְּמִים (tÿmim), often translated “perfect.” It is the same word used of Job in 2:3. Elihu is either a complete stranger to modesty or is confident regarding the knowledge that he believes God has revealed to him for this situation. See the note on the heading before 32:1.

[36:5]  229 tn The object “people” is not in the Hebrew text but is implied.

[36:5]  230 tn The text simply repeats “mighty.”

[36:5]  231 tn The last two words are simply כֹּחַ לֵב (koakh lev, “strong in heart”), meaning something like “strong; firm in his decisions.”

[36:5]  232 tc There are several problems in this verse: the repetition of “mighty,” the lack of an object for “despise,” and the meaning of “strength of heart.” Many commentators reduce the verse to a single line, reading something like “Lo, God does not reject the pure in heart” (Kissane). Dhorme and Pope follow Nichols with: “Lo, God is mighty in strength, and rejects not the pure in heart.” This reading moved “mighty” to the first line and took the second to be בַּר (bar, “pure”).

[36:6]  233 tn Or “he does not keep the wicked alive.”

[36:7]  234 tc Many commentators accept the change of “his eyes” to “his right” (reading דִּינוֹ [dino] for עֵינָיו [’enayv]). There is no compelling reason for the change; it makes the line commonplace.

[36:7]  235 tn Heb “them”; the referent (the righteous) has been repeated from the first part of the verse for clarity.

[36:7]  236 tn Heb “he seats them forever and exalts them.” The last verb can be understood as expressing a logical consequence of the preceding action (cf. GKC 328 §111.l = “he seats them forever so that he exalts them”). Or the two verbs can be taken as an adverbial hendiadys whereby the first modifies the second adverbially: “he exalts them by seating them forever” or “when he seats them forever” (cf. GKC 326 §111.d). Some interpret this verse to say that God seats kings on the throne, making a change in subject in the middle of the verse. But it makes better sense to see the righteous as the subject matter throughout – they are not only protected, but are exalted.

[36:8]  237 tn Dhorme thinks that the verse is still talking about kings, who may be in captivity. But this diverts attention from Elihu’s emphasis on the righteous.

[36:9]  238 tn The verb נָגַד (nagad) means “to declare; to tell.” Here it is clear that God is making known the sins that caused the enslavement or captivity, so “reveal” makes a good interpretive translation.

[36:9]  239 tn Heb “their work.”

[36:10]  240 tn The idiom once again is “he uncovers their ear.”

[36:10]  241 tn The revelation is in the preceding verse, and so a pronoun must be added to make the reference clear.

[36:10]  242 tn The verb שׁוּב (shuv, “to turn; to return”) is one of the two major words in the OT for “repent” – to return from evil. Here the imperfect should be obligatory – they must do it.

[36:11]  243 tc Some commentators delete this last line for metrical considerations. But there is no textual evidence for the deletion; it is simply the attempt by some to make the meter rigid.

[36:12]  244 tn This is a similar expression to the one in Job 33:18, where the suggestion was made by many that it means crossing over the canal or river of death. Some retain the earlier interpretation of “perish by the sword” (cf. NIV).

[36:13]  245 tn The expression “godless [or hypocrite] in heart” is an intensification of the description. It conveys that they are intentionally godless. See Matt 23:28.

[36:13]  246 tn Heb “they put anger.” This is usually interpreted to mean they lay up anger, or put anger in their hearts.

[36:14]  247 tn The text expresses this with “their soul dies.”

[36:14]  248 tn Heb “among the male prostitutes” who were at the temple – the “holy ones,” with “holy” being used in that sense of “separated to that form of temple service.” So uncleanness and shame are some of the connotations of the reference. Some modern translations give the general sense only: “their life ends in shame” (NRSV); “and perish among the reprobate” (NAB); “die…after wasting their lives in immoral living” (NLT).

[36:15]  249 tn The preposition בּ (bet) in these two lines is not location but instrument, not “in” but “by means of.” The affliction and the oppression serve as a warning for sin, and therefore a means of salvation.

[36:15]  250 tn Heb “his.”

[36:15]  251 tn Heb “he uncovers their ear.”

[36:16]  252 tn The Hebrew verb means “to entice; to lure; to allure; to seduce,” but these have negative connotations. The English “to persuade; to draw” might work better. The verb is the Hiphil perfect of סוּת (sut). But the nuance of the verb is difficult. It can be equivalent to an English present expressing what God is doing (Peake). But the subject is contested as well. Since the verb usually has an evil connotation, there have been attempts to make the “plaza” the subject – “the wide place has led you astray” (Ewald).

[36:16]  253 tn Heb “a broad place where there is no cramping beneath [or under] it.”

[36:16]  254 tn The word נַחַת (nakhat) could be translated “set” if it is connected with the verb נוּחַ (nuakh, “to rest,” but then “to lay to rest, to set”). Kissane translates it “comfort.” Dhorme thinks it could come from נוּחַ (nuakh, “to rest”) or נָחַת (nakhat, “to descend”). But his conclusion is that it is a dittography after “under it” (p. 545).

[36:16]  255 tn Heb “filled with fat.”

[36:18]  256 tn The first expression is idiomatic: the text says, “because wrath lest it entice you” – thus, beware.

[36:18]  257 tn The word is כֹּפֶר (kofer), often translated “ransom,” but frequently in the sense of a bribe.

[36:19]  258 tn The form in the MT is “your cry (for help).” See J. E. Hartley (Job [NICOT], 472-73) and E. Dhorme (Job, 547-48) on the difficulties.

[36:19]  259 tn This part has only two words לֹא בְצָר (lobÿtsar, “not in distress”). The negated phrase serves to explain the first colon.

[36:19]  260 tc For the many suggestions and the reasoning here, see the commentaries.

[36:20]  261 tn The meaning of this line is difficult. There are numerous suggestions for emending the text. Kissane takes the first verb in the sense of “oppress,” and for “the night” he has “belonging to you,” meaning “your people.” This reads: “Oppress not them that belong not to you, that your kinsmen may mount up in their place.”

[36:21]  262 tn Normally “tested” would be the translation for the Niphal of בָּחַר (bakhar). Although the Qal is employed here, the context favors “tested” rather than “chose.”

[36:22]  263 tn The word מוֹרֶה (moreh) is the Hiphil participle from יָרַה (yarah). It is related to the noun תּוֹרָה (torah, “what is taught” i.e., the law).

[36:24]  264 tn The expression is “that you extol,” serving as an object of the verb.

[36:26]  265 tn The last part has the verbal construction, “and we do not know.” This clause is to be used adverbially: “beyond our understanding.”

[36:27]  266 tn The verb means “to filter; to refine,” and so a plural subject with the drops of water as the subject will not work. So many read the singular, “he distills.”

[36:27]  267 tn This word עֵד (’ed) occurs also in Gen 2:6. The suggestion has been that instead of a mist it represents an underground watercourse that wells up to water the ground.

[36:29]  268 tn Heb “his booth.”

[36:30]  269 tn The word actually means “to spread,” but with lightning as the object, “to scatter” appears to fit the context better.

[36:30]  270 tn The word is “light,” but taken to mean “lightning.” Theodotion had “mist” here, and so most commentators follow that because it is more appropriate to the verb and the context.

[36:30]  271 tn Heb “roots.”

[36:31]  272 tn The verb is יָדִין (yadin, “he judges”). Houbigant proposedיָזוּן (yazun, “he nourishes”). This has found wide acceptance among commentators (cf. NAB). G. R. Driver retained the MT but gave a meaning “enriches” to the verb (“Problems in the Hebrew text of Job,” VTSup 3 [1955]: 88ff.).

[36:32]  273 tn R. Gordis (Job, 422) prefers to link this word with the later Hebrew word for “arch,” not “hands.”

[36:32]  274 tn Because the image might mean that God grabs the lightning and hurls it like a javelin (cf. NLT), some commentators want to change “covers” to other verbs. Dhorme has “lifts” (נִשָּׂא [nissa’] for כִּסָּה [kissah]). This fit the idea of God directing the lightning bolts.

[36:33]  275 tn Peake knew of over thirty interpretations for this verse. The MT literally says, “He declares his purpose [or his shout] concerning it; cattle also concerning what rises.” Dhorme has it: “The flock which sniffs the coming storm has warned the shepherd.” Kissane: “The thunder declares concerning him, as he excites wrath against iniquity.” Gordis translates it: “His thunderclap proclaims his presence, and the storm his mighty wrath.” Many more could be added to the list.

[37:2]  276 tn The imperative is followed by the infinitive absolute from the same root to express the intensity of the verb.

[37:2]  277 tn The word is the usual word for “to meditate; to murmur; to groan”; here it refers to the low building of the thunder as it rumbles in the sky. The thunder is the voice of God (see Ps 29).

[37:3]  278 tn Heb “wings,” and then figuratively for the extremities of garments, of land, etc.

[37:4]  279 tn The verb simply has the pronominal suffix, “them.” The idea must be that when God brings in all the thunderings he does not hold back his lightning bolts either.

[37:5]  280 tn The form is the Niphal participle, “wonders,” from the verb פָּלָא (pala’, “to be wonderful; to be extraordinary”). Some commentators suppress the repeated verb “thunders,” and supply other verbs like “shows” or “works,” enabling them to make “wonders” the object of the verb rather than leaving it in an adverbial role. But as H. H. Rowley (Job [NCBC], 236) notes, no change is needed, for one is not surprised to find repetition in Elihu’s words.

[37:5]  281 tn Heb “and we do not know.”

[37:6]  282 tn The verb actually means “be” (found here in the Aramaic form). The verb “to be” can mean “to happen, to fall, to come about.”

[37:6]  283 tn Heb “and [to the] shower of rain and shower of rains, be strong.” Many think the repetition grew up by variant readings; several Hebrew mss delete the second pair, and so many editors do. But the repetition may have served to stress the idea that the rains were heavy.

[37:6]  284 tn Heb “Be strong.”

[37:7]  285 tn Heb “by the hand of every man he seals.” This line is intended to mean with the heavy rains God suspends all agricultural activity.

[37:7]  286 tc This reading involves a change in the text, for in MT “men” is in the construct. It would be translated, “all men whom he made” (i.e., all men of his making”). This is the translation followed by the NIV and NRSV. Olshausen suggested that the word should have been אֲנָשִׁים (’anashim) with the final ם (mem) being lost to haplography.

[37:7]  287 tn D. W. Thomas suggested a meaning of “rest” for the verb, based on Arabic. He then reads אֱנוֹשׁ (’enosh) for man, and supplies a ם (mem) to “his work” to get “that every man might rest from his work [in the fields].”

[37:9]  288 tn The “driving winds” reflects the Hebrew “from the scatterers.” This refers to the north winds that bring the cold air and the ice and snow and hard rains.

[37:11]  289 tn The word “moisture” is drawn from רִי (ri) as a contraction for רְוִי (rÿvi). Others emended the text to get “hail” (NAB) or “lightning,” or even “the Creator.” For these, see the various commentaries. There is no reason to change the reading of the MT when it makes perfectly good sense.

[37:12]  290 tn The words “the clouds” are supplied from v. 11; the sentence itself actually starts: “and it goes round,” referring to the cloud.

[37:12]  291 tn Heb “that it may do.”

[37:13]  292 tn Heb “rod,” i.e., a rod used for punishment.

[37:13]  293 tn This is interpretive; Heb “he makes find it.” The lightning could be what is intended here, for it finds its mark. But R. Gordis (Job, 429) suggests man is the subject – let him find what it is for, i.e., the fate appropriate for him.

[37:15]  294 tn The verb is בְּשׂוּם (bÿsum, from שִׂים [sim, “set”]), so the idea is how God lays [or sets] [a command] for them. The suffix is proleptic, to be clarified in the second colon.

[37:15]  295 tn Dhorme reads this “and how his stormcloud makes lightning to flash forth?”

[37:16]  296 tn As indicated by HALOT 618 s.v. מִפְלָשׂ, the concept of “balancing” probably refers to “floating” or “suspension” (cf. NIV’s “how the clouds hang poised” and J. E. Hartley, Job [NICOT], 481-82, n. 2).

[37:18]  297 tn The verb means “to beat out; to flatten,” and the analogy in the next line will use molten metal. From this verb is derived the word for the “firmament” in Gen 1:6-8, that canopy-like pressure area separating water above and water below.

[37:19]  298 tn The imperfect verb here carries the obligatory nuance, “what we should say?”

[37:19]  299 tn The verb means “to arrange; to set in order.” From the context the idea of a legal case is included.

[37:20]  300 tn This imperfect works well as a desiderative imperfect.

[37:21]  301 tn The light here must refer to the sun in the skies that had been veiled by the storm. Then, when the winds blew the clouds away, it could not be looked at because it was so dazzling. Elihu’s analogy will be that God is the same – in his glory one cannot look at him or challenge him.

[37:21]  302 tn The verb has an indefinite subject, and so should be a passive here.

[37:21]  303 tn Heb “and cleaned them.” The referent is the clouds (v. 18), which has been supplied in the translation for clarity. There is another way of reading this verse: the word translated “bright” means “dark; obscured” in Syriac. In this interpretation the first line would mean that they could not see the sun, because it was darkened by the clouds, but then the wind came and blew the clouds away. Dhorme, Gray, and several others take it this way, as does the NAB.

[37:22]  304 tn The MT has “out of the north comes gold.” Left in that sense the line seems irrelevant. The translation “golden splendor” (with RV, RSV, NRSV, NIV) depends upon the context of theophany. Others suggest “golden rays” (Dhorme), the aurora borealis (Graetz, Gray), or some mythological allusion (Pope), such as Baal’s palace. Golden rays or splendor is what is intended, although the reference is not to a natural phenomenon – it is something that would suggest the glory of God.

[37:23]  305 tn The name “Almighty” is here a casus pendens, isolating the name at the front of the sentence and resuming it with a pronoun.

[37:23]  306 tn The MT places the major disjunctive accent (the atnach) under “power,” indicating that “and justice” as a disjunctive clause starting the second half of the verse (with ESV, NASB, NIV, NLT). Ignoring the Masoretic accent, NRSV has “he is great in power and justice.”

[37:24]  307 sn The phrase “wise of heart” was used in Job 9:4 in a negative sense.

[24:11]  308 tn The idea of “slipping” (participle from מוֹט, mot) has troubled some commentators. G. R. Driver emends it to read “at the point of” (“Problems in Proverbs,” ZAW 50 [1932]: 146). But the MT as it stands makes good sense. The reference would be general, viz., to help any who are in mortal danger or who might be tottering on the edge of such disaster – whether through sin, or through disease, war, or danger. Several English versions (e.g., NASB, NIV, NRSV) render this term as “staggering.”

[24:11]  sn God holds people responsible for rescuing those who are in mortal danger. The use of “death” and “slaughter” seems rather strong in the passage, but they have been used before in the book for the destruction that comes through evil.

[24:12]  309 tn Heb “weighs” (so NASB, NIV, NRSV) meaning “tests” or “evaluates.”

[24:12]  310 sn The verse completes the saying by affirming that people will be judged responsible for helping those in mortal danger. The verse uses a series of rhetorical questions to affirm that God knows our hearts and we cannot plead ignorance.

[31:8]  311 sn The instruction to “open your mouth” is a metonymy of cause; it means “speak up for” (so NIV, TEV, NLT) or in this context “serve as an advocate in judgment” (cf. CEV “you must defend”).

[31:8]  312 sn The instruction compares people who cannot defend themselves in court with those who are physically unable to speak (this is a figure of speech known as hypocatastasis, an implied comparison). The former can physically speak; but because they are the poor, the uneducated, the oppressed, they are unable to conduct a legal defense. They may as well be speechless.

[31:8]  313 tn Or “of all the defenseless.” The noun חֲלוֹף (khalof) means “passing away; vanishing” (properly an infinitive); in this construction “the sons of the passing away” means people who by nature are transitory, people who are dying – mortals. But in this context it would indicate people who are “defenseless” as opposed to those who are healthy and powerful.

[31:9]  314 tn The noun צֶדֶק (tsedeq) serves here as an adverbial accusative of manner. The decisions reached (שְׁפָט, shÿfat) in this advocacy must conform to the standard of the law. So it is a little stronger than “judging fairly” (cf. NIV, NCV), although it will be fair if it is done righteously for all.

[31:9]  315 sn Previously the noun דִּין (din, judgment”) was used, signifying the legal rights or the pleas of the people. Now the imperative דִּין is used. It could be translated “judge,” but in this context “judge the poor” could be misunderstood to mean “condemn.” Here advocacy is in view, and so “plead the cause” is a better translation (cf. NASB, NIV, NRSV “defend the rights”). It was – and is – the responsibility of the king (ruler) to champion the rights of the poor and needy, who otherwise would be ignored and oppressed. They are the ones left destitute by the cruelties and inequalities of life (e.g., 2 Sam 14:4-11; 1 Kgs 3:16-28; Pss 45:3-5, 72:4; Isa 9:6-7).

[19:37]  316 tn Grk “the descent of”; this could refer to either the slope of the hillside itself or the path leading down from it (the second option has been adopted for the translation, see L&N 15.109).

[19:37]  317 sn See the note on the name Mount of Olives in v. 29.

[19:37]  318 tn Grk “the”; the Greek article has been translated here as a possessive pronoun (ExSyn 215).

[19:37]  319 tn Here the participle χαίροντες (caironte") has been translated as a finite verb in English; it could also be translated adverbially as a participle of manner: “began to praise God joyfully.”

[19:37]  320 sn See 2:13, 20; Acts 2:47; 3:8-9.

[19:37]  321 tn Or “works of power,” “miracles.” Jesus’ ministry of miracles is what has drawn attention. See Luke 7:22.

[19:37]  322 tn Grk “they had seen, saying.” The participle λέγοντες (legontes) is redundant in contemporary English and has not been translated.

[19:38]  323 sn Luke adds the title king to the citation from Ps 118:26 to make clear who was meant (see Luke 18:38). The psalm was used in looking for the deliverance of the end, thus leading to the Pharisees’ reaction.

[19:38]  324 sn A quotation from Ps 118:26.

[19:39]  325 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “but” to indicate the contrast present in this context. Not all present are willing to join in the acclamation.

[19:39]  326 sn See the note on Pharisees in 5:17.

[19:39]  327 sn Teacher, rebuke your disciples. The Pharisees were complaining that the claims were too great.

[19:40]  328 tn Grk “and answering, he said.” This has been simplified in the translation to “He answered.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[19:40]  329 tn Grk “these.”

[19:40]  330 sn This statement amounts to a rebuke. The idiom of creation speaking means that even creation knows what is taking place, yet the Pharisees miss it. On this idiom, see Gen 4:10 and Hab 2:11.

[4:20]  331 tn Grk “for we are not able not to speak about what we have seen and heard,” but the double negative, which cancels out in English, is emphatic in Greek. The force is captured somewhat by the English translation “it is impossible for us not to speak…” although this is slightly awkward.

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