Mazmur 48:11
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
perempuan(TB/TL) <01323> [daughters.] penghukuman-Mu(TB)/hukum-hukum-Mu(TL) <04941> [because.] |
karena penghukuman-Mu! |
Mazmur 58:10
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
benar(TB/TL) <06662> [righteous.] membasuh(TB)/membasuhkan(TL) <07364> [wash.] |
akan bersukacita, Ayub 22:19; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 22:19] memandang pembalasan, Ul 32:35; Mazm 7:10; 91:8; Yer 11:20; Rom 12:17-21 [Semua] orang fasik. |
Mazmur 97:8
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Sion(TB/TL) <06726> [Zion.] penghukuman-Mu(TB)/pehukuman-Mu(TL) <04941> [because.] |
Yehuda bersorak-sorak, Mazm 9:3; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 9:3] karena penghukuman-Mu, |
Mazmur 107:42
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
benar(TB/TL) <03477> [righteous.] kecurangan(TB)/jahat(TL) <05766> [iniquity.] |
lalu bersukacita, Ayub 22:19; Mazm 97:10-12 [Semua] tutup mulut. Ayub 5:15; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 5:15]; Rom 3:19 [Semua] |
Amsal 11:10
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
mujur(TB)/dipemuliakan(TL) <02898> [it goeth.] mujur ...... orang fasik(TB)/dipemuliakan ......... jahat(TL) <02898 07563> [when.] |
mujur, beria-rialah 2Raj 11:20; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 11:20] gemuruhlah sorak-sorai. Est 8:17; [Lihat FULL. Est 8:17] |
Wahyu 18:20
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Bersukacitalah(TB)/Hai isi ........... sorakkanlah(TL) <2165> [Rejoice.] dan suci ... orang-orang kudus ... dan(TB)/dan ..... dan ... dan(TL) <2532 40> [and ye.] It is peculiarly worthy of remark, that the apostles, who are idolatrously honoured at Rome, and daily worshipped, should be specially mentioned as rejoicing in her fall; as if it "avenged them" on her, for the dishonour cast on their characters, while it vindicated the glory of God. Allah(TB/TL) <2316> [God.] |
hai sorga, Yer 51:48; Wahy 12:12; [Lihat FULL. Wahy 12:12] [Semua] karena kamu. Catatan Frasa: BERSUKACITALAH ATAS DIA. |
Wahyu 19:1-3
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Kemudian(TB/TL) <3326> [after.] mendengar(TB)/dengar(TL) <191> [I heard.] Haleluya(TB)/Halleluyah(TL) <239> [Alleluia.] Keselamatan(TB)/keselamatan(TL) <4991> [Salvation.] |
Judul : Haleluya Perikop : Why 19:1-5 orang banyak Haleluya! Keselamatan dan kekuasaan Catatan Frasa: KEMUDIAN DARIPADA ITU. Catatan Frasa: HALELUYA! |
benar(TB/TL) <228> [true.] menghakimi(TB)/menghukumkan(TL) <2919> [judged.] dan .................. dan .... membelakan membalaskan(TB)/dan(TL) <2532 1556> [and hath.] |
segala penghakiman-Nya, menghakimi pelacur Wahy 17:1; [Lihat FULL. Wahy 17:1] darah hamba-hamba-Nya Wahy 6:10; [Lihat FULL. Wahy 6:10] |
Haleluya(TB)/Halleluyah(TL) <239> [Alleluia.] |
Haleluya! sampai selama-lamanya. |