TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 10:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berangkatlah(TB/TL) <05265> [took.]

gurun ............. gurun(TB)/padang ........ padang belantara(TL) <04057> [out of the.]

gurun ............. gurun(TB)/padang ........ padang belantara(TL) <04057> [the wilderness.]


gurun Paran.

Kej 14:6; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:6]; Ul 1:1; 33:2 [Semua]

Bilangan 12:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Kemudian(TB/TL) <0310> [afterward.]

Hazerot(TB)/Hazirot(TL) <02698> [Hazeroth.]

The exact situation of this place is unknown. Dr. Shaw computes it to be three days' journey, i.e., thirty miles from Sinai. From this passage, it appears that the wilderness of Paran commenced immediately upon their leaving this station. Calmet observes, that there is a town called Hazor in Arabia Petr‘a, in all probability the same as Hazerim, the ancient habitation of the Hivites (De 2:23); and likewise, according to all appearances, the Hazeroth, where the Hebrews encamped.

gurun(TB)/padang belantara(TL) <04057> [the wilderness.]


dari Hazerot

Bil 11:35

gurun Paran.

Kej 21:21; Bil 10:12; 15:32 [Semua]

Bilangan 13:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


The wilderness of Paran, says Dr. Wells, seems to have been taken in a larger, and in a stricter sense. In the larger sense, it seems to have denoted all the desert and mountainous tract, lying between the wilderness of Shur westward, and mount Seir, or the land of Edom, eastward, the land of Canaan northward, and the Red sea southward. And in this sense, it seems to have comprehended the wilderness of Sin, and the wilderness of Sinai, also the adjoining tract wherein lay Kibroth-hattaavah and Hazeroth. In this sense it may be understood in De 1:19, where, by "that great and terrible wilderness," is intended the wilderness of Paran in its largest acceptation; for, in its stricter acceptation, it seems not to have been so great and terrible a wilderness; but is taken to denote more peculiarly that part of Arabia Petr‘a which lies between mount Sinai and Hazeroth west, and mount Seir east.


orang Israel.

Bil 1:16

Bilangan 13:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


padang gurun(TB)/padang(TL) <04057> [unto the wilderness.]


Kadesh(TB)/Kades(TL) <06946> [Kadesh.]



Kej 14:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:7]

gurun Paran.

Kej 14:6; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:6]

kepada keduanya

Bil 32:8

hasil negeri

Ul 1:25

Bilangan 13:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible




Judul : Kedua belas pengintai

Perikop : Bil 13:1-24

1 Samuel 25:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Samuel(TB)/Semuel(TL) <08050> [A.M. 2944. B.C. 1060. An. Ex. Is 431. Samuel.]

meratapi(TB)/meratapkan(TL) <05594> [lamented.]

[in this house.]

gurun(TB)/padang(TL) <04057> [the wilderness.]


Judul : Kematian Samuel

Perikop : 1Sam 25:1

Dan matilah

1Sam 28:3

berkumpul meratapi

Im 10:6; [Lihat FULL. Im 10:6]; Ul 34:8 [Semua]

di Rama.

1Sam 7:17; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 7:17]


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