TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Imamat 9:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


keluarlah api ..... api(TB)/keluarlah ... api(TL) <0784 03318> [there came a fire.]

These victims were consumed by a fire of no human kindling. Josephus says that "a fire proceeded from the victims themselves, of its own accord, which had the appearance of a flash of lightning, and consumed all that was upon the altar."

bersorak-sorailah(TB)/bersorak-soraklah(TL) <07442> [they shouted.]


keluarlah api

Kel 19:18; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:18]; Hak 6:21; 13:20 [Semua]

sujud menyembah.

1Raj 18:39

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