TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Hakim-hakim 11:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dari saudara-saudaranya .... adiknya(TB)/hadapan .... adiknya(TL) <06440 0251> [from his brethren. Heb. from the face of. Tob.]

Probably the same as Ish-Tob; and appears to have been a part of Syria, near Zobah, Rehob, and Maachah, east of Jordan, and in the most northern part of the portion of Manasseh. If so, it could not be far from Gilead, the country of Jephthah. This country is called Tobie or Tubin, 1 Mac 5:13; and the Jews who inhabited this district Tubieni, 2 Mac 12:17. 2 Sa 10:6.

orang .... merampok(TB)/orang perlente ....... mengiringkan(TL) <07386 0582> [vain men.]


tanah Tob;

Hak 11:5; 2Sam 10:6,8 [Semua]

kepadanya petualang-petualang

Hak 9:4; [Lihat FULL. Hak 9:4]

Hakim-hakim 11:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yefta .................. Yefta(TB)/Yefta(TL) <03316> [Jephthah.]

[called Jephthae. a mighty.]

perempuan(TB)/haramlah(TL) <0802> [an harlot. Heb. a woman, an harlot.]

Probably {zonah} should be rendered as in Jos 2:1, a hostess, or inn-keeper: so Targum of Jonathan, {wehoo bar ittetha pundekeetha,} "and he was the son of a woman, a tavern-keeper." She was very probably a Canaanite, as she is called, ver. 2, a strange woman, {ishah achereth,} "a woman of another race;" and on this account his brethren drove him from the family, as not having a full right to the inheritance.


Judul : Yefta dan Gilead

Perikop : Hak 11:1-11

Adapun Yefta,

Hak 12:1; 1Sam 12:11; Ibr 11:32 [Semua]

seorang pahlawan

Hak 6:12

perempuan sundal;

Kej 38:15; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:15]

ialah Gilead.

Bil 26:29

1 Samuel 25:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengindahkan(TB)/perduli(TL) <03820> [regard. Heb. lay it to his heart.]

orang ... jahat(TB)/orang jahat(TL) <01100 0376> [man of Belial.]

Nabal ........... Nabal(TB)/Nabal .......... Nabal(TL) <05037> [Nabal. that is, fool.]


dan bebal

Ams 17:12

dan bebal

Ams 12:16; 14:16; 20:3; Yes 32:5 [Semua]

1 Samuel 25:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Maon(TB/TL) <04584> [Maon.]

perusahaan Karmel Karmel ................... Karmel ........ Karmel(TB)/pencariannya(TL) <04639 03760> [possessions were. or, business was. Carmel.]

Not the famous mount Carmel, in the north of Canaan, and in the tribe of Asher; but a city, on a mountain of the same name, in the south of Judah, which seems to have given name to the surrounding territory. Eusebius and Jerome inform us, that there was in their time a town called Carmelia, ten miles east from Hebron, where the Romans kept a garrison, whose position well agrees with this Carmel.

laki-laki ......... Orang(TB)/seorang ........... orang(TL) <0376> [man.]

tiga ribu .... ribu seribu .... seribu(TB)/tiga ribu ..... seribu(TL) <0505 07969> [three thousand.]

pengguntingan bulu(TB)/mengguntingi(TL) <01494> [shearing.]

This was a very ancient custom, and appears to have been always attended with festivity. The ancient Romans, however, used to pluck off the wool from the sheep's backs; and hence a fleece was called {vellus,} a {vellendo,} from plucking it off. Pliny says, that in his time sheep were not shorn every where, but in some places the wool was still plucked off.

Karmel ................... Karmel(TB)/Karmel ........................... Karmel(TL) <03760> [Carmel.]


Judul : Daud, Nabal dan Abigail

Perikop : 1Sam 25:2-44

di Maon,

Yos 15:55; [Lihat FULL. Yos 15:55]

sangat kaya:

2Sam 19:32

pada pengguntingan

Kej 31:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:19]

1 Tawarikh 13:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menaikkan tabut ..... tabut(TB)/oleh ...... tabut ....... dinaikkannya(TL) <0727 07392> [carried the ark. Heb. made the ark to ride.]

At Nu 3:10, and again at ver. 38, a particular caution is given that strangers must not touch, or even pry into, the most holy things connected with the tabernacle, lest the offender die. In giving the law, also, even a beast which touched Sinai's mount was, by the Almighty's fiat, to be stoned or thrust through with a dart. And again we read, (Nu 4:15) after special orders to Aaron and his sons about covering the sanctuary and all the vessels previously to a removal, that the Kohathites, who were to carry them, "shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die." These were positive commands. May the sin of Uzza in touching the ark, warn Christians to take heed of rashness and irreverence in dealing about holy things: see ver. 9.

kereta ... baru ........ pedati ... kereta ........ pedati(TB)/pedati ... baharu ........ pedati(TL) <02319 05699> [in a new cart.]

rumah(TB)/dalam(TL) <01004> [out of the house.]


rumah Abinadab,

1Sam 7:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 7:1]

Ayub 30:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mereka ... orang-orang(TB)/anak ..... anak(TL) <01121> [children.]

bebal(TB/TL) <05036> [fools.]

dikenal(TB)/namanya(TL) <08034> [base men. Heb. men of no name. viler.]


orang-orang bebal

Hak 9:4; [Lihat FULL. Hak 9:4]

dari negeri.

Ayub 18:18; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 18:18]

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