TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Raja-raja 5:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Abana ... Parpar(TB/TL) <06554 071> [Abana and Pharpar. or, Amana.]

This river is evidently the Barrada, or Barda, as the Arabic renders, the Chrysorrhoas of the Greeks, which taking its rise in Antilibanus, runs eastward towards Damascus, where it is divided into three streams, one of which passes through the city, and the other two through the gardens; which reuniting at the east of the city, forms a lake about five or six leagues to the south-east, called Behairat el Marj, or, Lake of the Meadow. Pharpar was probably one of the branches.

lebih baik(TB) <02896> [better.]


segala sungai

Yes 8:6

dengan panas

Ams 14:17,29; 19:11; 29:11 [Semua]

2 Raja-raja 12:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible

2 Raja-raja 12:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menyerahkan ... uang uang(TB)/diserahkannya uang(TL) <03701 05414> [gave the money.]

membayarkannya(TB)/mengupah(TL) <03318> [laid it out. Heb. brought it forth.]

2 Raja-raja 25:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bersumpahlah(TB/TL) <07650 0582> [sware to them.]

menjadi baik(TB)/selamat(TL) <03190> [and it shall be.]

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