IA SEORANG [Sebagai Frasa]
Jumlah dalam TB : 32 dalam 32 ayat
(dalam OT: 20 dalam 20 ayat) (dalam NT: 12 dalam 12 ayat) |
Keluarga Kata untuk frasa "Ia seorang" dalam TB (41/23) :
ia orang (7x/0x);
ia seorang (20x/0x);
ialah orang (8x/8x);
ialah orang-orang (2x/2x);
ialah seorang (2x/0x);
teriak orang (1x/0x);
teriakan orang (1x/0x);
Ia orang (0x/1x);
Ia seorang (0x/12x);
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IBRANI [Sebagai Frasa]
Strong# / Frek. | Definisi & Terjemahan |
<01931> 14 (dari 1877)
awh huw' of which the fem. (beyond the Pentateuch) ayh is hiy'
Definisi : --pron 3p s, demons pron (pronoun third person singular, demonstrative prononoun)-- pron 3p s
1) he, she, it
1a) himself (with emphasis)
1b) resuming subj with emphasis
1c) (with minimum emphasis following predicate)
1d) (anticipating subj)
1e) (emphasising predicate)
1f) that, it (neuter)
demons pron
2) that (with article)
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<0376> 4 (dari 2005)
vya 'iysh
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) man
1a) man, male (in contrast to woman, female)
1b) husband
1c) human being, person (in contrast to God)
1d) servant
1e) mankind
1f) champion
1g) great man
2) whosoever
3) each (adjective)
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<0905> 1 (dari 201)
db bad
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) alone, by itself, besides, a part, separation, being alone
1a) separation, alone, by itself
1a1) only (adv)
1a2) apart from, besides (prep)
1b) part
1c) parts (eg limbs, shoots), bars
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<01121> 1 (dari 4930)
Nb ben
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) son, grandson, child, member of a group
1a) son, male child
1b) grandson
1c) children (pl. - male and female)
1d) youth, young men (pl.)
1e) young (of animals)
1f) sons (as characterisation, i.e. sons of injustice [for un-
righteous men] or sons of God [for angels]
1g) people (of a nation) (pl.)
1h) of lifeless things, i.e. sparks, stars, arrows (fig.)
1i) a member of a guild, order, class
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<01167> 1 (dari 84)
leb ba`al
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) owner, husband, lord
1a) owner
1b) a husband
1c) citizens, inhabitants
1d) rulers, lords
1e) (noun of relationship used to characterise - ie, master of dreams)
1f) lord (used of foreign gods)
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<03881> 1 (dari 292)
yywl Leviyiy or ywl Leviy
Definisi : --adj (adjective)-- Levite = see Levi "joined to"
1) the descendants of Levi, the 3rd son of Jacob by Leah
1a) the tribe descended from Levi specially set aside by God for
His service
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<05234> 1 (dari 49)
rkn nakar
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to recognise, acknowledge, know, respect, discern, regard
1a) (Niphal) to be recognised
1b) (Piel) to regard
1c) (Hiphil)
1c1) to regard, observe, pay attention to, pay regard to, notice
1c2) to recognise (as formerly known), perceive
1c3) to be willing to recognise or acknowledge, acknowledge with
1c4) to be acquainted with
1c5) to distinguish, understand
1d) (Hithpael) to make oneself known
2) to act or treat as foreign or strange, disguise, misconstrue
2a) (Niphal) to disguise oneself
2b) (Piel)
2b1) to treat as foreign (profane)
2b2) to misconstrue
2c) (Hithpael)
2c1) to act as alien
2c2) to disguise oneself
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<07523> 1 (dari 47)
xur ratsach
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to murder, slay, kill
1a) (Qal) to murder, slay
1a1) premeditated
1a2) accidental
1a3) as avenger
1a4) slayer (intentional) (participle)
1b) (Niphal) to be slain
1c) (Piel)
1c1) to murder, assassinate
1c2) murderer, assassin (participle)(subst)
1d) (Pual) to be killed
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<00000> 2
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YUNANI [Sebagai Frasa]
Strong# / Frek. | Definisi & Terjemahan |
<444> 3 (dari 547)
anyrwpov anthropos
Definisi : --n m
(noun masculine)-- 1) a human being, whether male or female
1a) generically, to include all human individuals
1b) to distinguish man from beings of a different order
1b1) of animals and plants
1b2) of from God and Christ
1b3) of the angels
1c) with the added notion of weakness, by which man is led
into a mistake or prompted to sin
1d) with the adjunct notion of contempt or disdainful pity
1e) with reference to two fold nature of man, body and soul
1f) with reference to the two fold nature of man, the corrupt
and the truly Christian man, conformed to the nature of God
1g) with reference to sex, a male
2) indefinitely, someone, a man, one
3) in the plural, people
4) joined with other words, merchantman
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<846> 2 (dari 5566)
autov autos
Definisi : --pron
(pronoun)-- 1) himself, herself, themselves, itself
2) he, she, it
3) the same
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<435> 1 (dari 216)
aner aner
Definisi : --n m
(noun masculine)-- 1) with reference to sex
1a) of a male
1b) of a husband
1c) of a betrothed or future husband
2) with reference to age, and to distinguish an adult man from a boy
3) any male
4) used generically of a group of both men and women
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<1438> 1 (dari 323)
eautou heautou
(including all other cases)
Definisi : --pron
(pronoun)-- 1) himself, herself, itself, themselves
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<2316> 1 (dari 1312)
yeov theos
Definisi : --n m
(noun masculine)-- 1) a god or goddess, a general name of deities or divinities
2) the Godhead, trinity
2a) God the Father, the first person in the trinity
2b) Christ, the second person of the trinity
2c) Holy Spirit, the third person in the trinity
3) spoken of the only and true God
3a) refers to the things of God
3b) his counsels, interests, things due to him
4) whatever can in any respect be likened unto God, or resemble him in
any way
4a) God's representative or viceregent
4a1) of magistrates and judges
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<3411> 1 (dari 3)
misywtov misthotos
Definisi : --adj
(adjective)-- 1) one hired, a hireling
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<3504> 1 (dari 1)
neofutov neophutos
Definisi : --adj
(adjective)-- 1) newly planted
1a) a new convert, neophyte (one who has recently become a Christian)
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<3739> 1 (dari 1396)
ov hos
including feminine h he
Definisi : --pron
(pronoun)-- 1) who, which, what, that
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<4211> 1 (dari 1)
porfuropwliv porphuropolis
Definisi : --n f
(noun feminime)-- 1) a female seller of purple or of fabric dyed in purple
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<5100> 1 (dari 529)
tiv tis
Definisi : --pron
(pronoun)-- 1) a certain, a certain one
2) some, some time, a while
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<0000> 1
-- |
Konkordansi PL [Sebagai Frasa]
awh | <01931> | Kej 10:9 | ia seorang | pemburu yang gagah perkasa di ... | |
awhw | <01931> | Kej 14:18 | ... membawa roti dan anggur; | ia seorang | imam Allah Yang Mahatinggi. |
awhw | <01931> | Kej 34:19 | ... kepada anak Yakub, lagipula | ia seorang | yang paling dihormati di ... |
rkntyw | <05234> | Kej 42:7 | ... tetapi ia berlaku seolah-olah | ia seorang | asing kepada mereka; ia ... |
leb | <01167> | Kel 21:3 | ... diri saja, maka keluarpun | ia seorang | diri; jika ia mempunyai ... |
awh | <01931> | Bil 35:16 | ... sehingga orang itu mati, maka | ia seorang | pembunuh; pastilah pembunuh ... |
awh | <01931> | Bil 35:17 | ... sehingga orang itu mati, maka | ia seorang | pembunuh; pastilah pembunuh ... |
xur | <07523> | Bil 35:18 | ... sehingga orang itu mati, maka | ia seorang | pembunuh; pastilah pembunuh ... |
awh | <01931> | Bil 35:21 | ... si pemukul itu dibunuh; | ia seorang | pembunuh; penuntut darah ... |
-- | Ul 21:20 | ... mendengarkan perkataan kami, | ia seorang | pelahap dan peminum. | |
awh sya | <0376 01931> | Ul 24:12 | Jika | ia seorang | miskin, janganlah engkau ... |
sya awh | <01931 0376> | Yos 17:1 | ... Gilead dan Basan, karena | ia seorang | tentara. |
ywl awhw | <01931 03881> | Hak 17:7 | ... dari kaum Yehuda; | ia seorang | Lewi dan tinggal di sana ... |
-- | 1Sam 16:18 | ... itu, yang pandai main kecapi. | Ia seorang | pahlawan yang gagah perkasa, ... | |
awhw | <01931> | 1Sam 25:3 | ... kasar dan jahat kelakuannya. | Ia seorang | keturunan Kaleb. |
Nb awhw | <01931 01121> | 1Sam 25:17 | ... kepada seisi rumahnya, dan | ia seorang | yang dursila, sehingga orang ... |
ayh | <01931> | 2Sam 14:27 | ... yang bernama Tamar. | Ia seorang | perempuan yang cantik. |
wdbl | <0905> | 2Sam 18:25 | ... lalu raja berkata: "Jika | ia seorang | diri, maka kabar yang baiklah ... |
awh sya | <0376 01931> | 2Sam 19:32 | ... ia tinggal di Mahanaim, sebab | ia seorang | yang sangat kaya. |
awhw sya | <0376 01931> | Yer 38:7 | ... orang Etiopia itu-- | ia seorang | sida-sida yang tinggal di ... |
Konkordansi PB [Sebagai Frasa]
anyrwpov | <444> | Mat 11:19 | ... dan mereka berkata: Lihatlah, | Ia seorang | pelahap dan peminum, sahabat ... |
anyrwpov | <444> | Luk 2:25 | ... seorang bernama Simeon. | Ia seorang | yang benar dan saleh yang ... |
anyrwpov | <444> | Luk 7:34 | ... dan kamu berkata: Lihatlah, | Ia seorang | pelahap dan peminum, sahabat ... |
autov | <846> | Luk 19:2 | ... kepala pemungut cukai, dan | ia seorang | yang kaya. |
misywtov | <3411> | Yoh 10:13 | Ia lari karena | ia seorang | upahan dan tidak ... |
tina eauton | <5100 1438> | Kis 8:9 | ... serta berlagak seolah-olah | ia seorang | yang sangat penting. |
w | <3739> | Kis 13:6 | ... Yahudi bernama Baryesus. | Ia seorang | tukang sihir dan nabi palsu. |
porfuropwliv | <4211> | Kis 16:14 | ... Lidia turut mendengarkan. | Ia seorang | penjual kain ungu dari kota ... |
anhr | <435> | Kis 18:24 | ... berasal dari Aleksandria. | Ia seorang | yang fasih berbicara dan ... |
auton yeon | <846 2316> | Kis 28:6 | ... mereka berpendapat, bahwa | ia seorang | dewa. |
-- | Kol 4:12 | ... dari Epafras kepada kamu; | ia seorang | dari antaramu, hamba Kristus ... | |
neofuton | <3504> | 1Tim 3:6 | Janganlah | ia seorang | yang baru bertobat, agar ... |