TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Tawarikh 1:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


janji-Mu(TB/TL) <01697> [let thy promise.]

mengangkat aku menjadi raja(TB)/menjadikan ... raja(TL) <04427> [for thou hast.]

debu(TB)/lebu(TL) <06083> [like the dust. Heb. much as the dust.]


keteguhan janji-Mu

2Sam 7:25; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 7:25]; 1Raj 8:25; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 8:25] [Semua]

debu tanah.

Kej 12:2; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:2]

2 Tawarikh 2:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [Because.]


Tuhan mengasihi

1Raj 10:9; 2Taw 9:8 [Semua]

2 Tawarikh 5:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


imam-imam(TB)/imam(TL) <03548> [the priests.]

ruang(TB)/tempat(TL) <01687> [to the oracle.]


tabut perjanjian

Wahy 11:19

2 Tawarikh 6:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berdirilah(TB/TL) <05975> [he stood.]

menadahkan(TB/TL) <06566> [spread forth.]


Judul : Doa Pentahbisan Salomo

Perikop : 2Taw 6:12-42


1Raj 8:22-53 dengan 2Taw 6:12-40


Mazm 132:8-10 dengan 2Taw 6:41-42

2 Tawarikh 7:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


rumah ..................... rumah(TB)/rumah .............................. rumah(TL) <01004> [this house.]

tertegun(TB)/tercengang-cengang(TL) <08074> [astonishment.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [Why.]


akan tertegun

Yer 19:8

dan berkata:

Ul 29:24

2 Tawarikh 15:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mempersembahkan(TB)/dikorbankannyalah(TL) <02076> [offered.]

hari(TB/TL) <03117> [the same time. Heb. in that day. seven hundred.]


dari jarahan

2Taw 14:13; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 14:13]

2 Tawarikh 16:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Etiopia(TB)/Kusyi(TL) <03569> [the Ethiopians.]

Libia(TB)/Libipun(TL) <03864> [the Lubims.]

tentara ...... besar jumlahnya tentara(TB)/tentara ..... amat(TL) <07230 02428> [a huge host. Heb. in abundance. because.]


orang Etiopia

Kej 10:6,8-9; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:6]; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:8]; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:9]; 2Taw 12:3; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 12:3] [Semua]

sangat banyak?

2Taw 24:24

telah menyerahkan

2Taw 13:16

2 Tawarikh 16:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menderita sakit(TB)/jatuhlah(TL) <02456> [A.M. 3088. B.C. 916. diseased.]

kesakitannya(TB)/sakitnya .... sakitnya(TL) <02483> [in his disease.]

pertolongan tabib-tabib(TB)/tabib(TL) <07495> [physicians.]


Asa menderita

2Taw 21:18; 26:19; Mazm 103:3 [Semua]

tidak mencari

2Taw 7:14

pertolongan Tuhan,

Yer 17:5-6 [Semua]

2 Tawarikh 18:10-11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tanduk-tanduk besi .... besi(TB)/tanduk besi(TL) <01270 07161> [horns of iron.]

Mr. Bruce, in describing the head-dress of the governors of Abyssinia, says, "A large broad fillet was bound upon their forehead, and tied behind their head: in the middle of this was a horn, or conical piece of silver, gilt, about four inches long, much in the shape of our common candle extinguishers. This is called {kirn,} {[keren,]} and is only worn in reviews, or parades after victory." Such, it may be supposed, were the horns of iron which Zedekiah (who appears to have acted the hero returning from a military triumph) made for himself, when he presumed, in the name of Jehovah, to flatter his prince with the promise of victory: "Thus saith the Lord, With these thou shalt push Syria, until they be consumed."

berkata ... firman(TB)/katanya ... firman(TL) <0559> [Thus.]

menghabiskan(TB)/menumpas(TL) <03615> [they be consumed. Heb. thou consume them.]


nabi(TB/TL) <05030> [all the prophets.]


ke Ramot-Gilead,

2Taw 22:5

2 Tawarikh 18:27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


benar-benar ... pulang(TB)/pulang(TL) <07725> [If.]

Dengarlah(TB/TL) <08085> [Hearken.]

2 Tawarikh 20:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yahaziel(TB/TL) <03166> [Then upon.]

Roh(TB/TL) <07307> [came the Spirit.]


bin Matanya,

1Taw 9:15; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 9:15]

dihinggapi Roh

1Taw 12:18; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 12:18]

2 Tawarikh 20:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ketika ... mulai ... menyaringkan suaranya(TB)/sementara(TL) <06256 02490> [when they. Heb. in the time that they, etc. to sing and to.]

Heb. in singing and. the Lord set ambushments. Houbigant's version is, "the Lord set against the children of Amon and Moab ambushments of those who came from mount Seir against Judah; and the children of Ammon and Moab were smitten: but they afterwards rose up against the inhabitants of mount Seir, and utterly destroyed them; who being destroyed, they rose up one against one another, and mutually destroyed each other."

terpukul(TB)/dialahkan(TL) <05062> [were smitten. or, smote one another.]


Tuhanlah penghadangan

2Taw 13:13; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 13:13]

2 Tawarikh 20:26-27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Pujian ............... Pujian(TB)/Berakha ................. Berakha(TL) <01294> [Berachah. that is, Blessing.]

Having previously sought deliverance by fasting and prayer, and received the assurance of it with grateful joy, Jehoshaphat and his army returned immediate and fervent thanks and praise to the Lord, who had in so wonderful a manner performed his promise. Scott, who quotes the following from Bp. Patrick: "They did not return every man to his own home; but first went back to Jerusalem, to bless the Lord again for hearing their prayer and making good his promises."

memuji(TB)/memuji-muji(TL) <01288> [blessed.]

menamakan(TB)/dinamainya(TL) <08034> [the name.]

hari ....................... sekarang(TB)/hari ............................ hari(TL) <03117> [unto this day.]


depan(TB)/haluannya(TL) <07218> [forefront. Heb. head.]

<03068> [the Lord.]

2 Tawarikh 21:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kelakuan(TB)/jalan(TL) <01870> [in the way.]

anak(TB/TL) <01323> [he had.]


raja-raja Israel

1Raj 12:28-30 [Semua]

anak Ahab.

2Taw 18:1; 22:3 [Semua]

2 Tawarikh 23:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Lalu ..... berjanji-janjianlah perjanjian(TB)/berjanji-janjianlah(TL) <03772 01285> [made a covenant.]

<03068> [as the Lord.]


mengikat perjanjian

2Raj 11:17; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 11:17]

anak-anak Daud!

2Sam 7:12; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 7:12]; 1Raj 2:4; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 2:4]; 2Taw 6:16; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 6:16]; 2Taw 7:18; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 7:18]; 2Taw 21:7; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 21:7] [Semua]

2 Tawarikh 25:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pada itu

Ul 8:18; Ams 10:22 [Semua]

2 Tawarikh 28:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Pekah(TB/TL) <06492> [Pekah.]

seratus(TB/TL) <03967> [an hundred.]

bin bin ............ orang-orang ... orang(TB)/bin ............... orang .... perang(TL) <01121 02428> [valiant men. Heb. sons of valour. because.]


sehari Pekah

2Raj 15:25,27; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 15:25]; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 15:27] [Semua]

di Yehuda

2Taw 28:8; Yes 9:20; 11:13 [Semua]

2 Tawarikh 29:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Those, says Matthew Henry, who turn their backs upon God's ordinances, may truly be said to forsake God himself. The lamps were not lighted, and incense was not burnt: there are still such neglects as these, and they are no less culpable, if the Word be not duly read and opened, answering to the lighting of the lamps, and if prayers and praises be not duly offered up, which was signified by the burning of incense.


korban ukupan

Kel 30:7; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:7]

2 Tawarikh 31:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Orang(TB)/bani(TL) <01121> [the children.]

persembahan persepuluhan ........... persembahan persepuluhan(TB)/sepuluh asa .......... sepuluh asa(TL) <04643> [the tithe.]

bertimbun-timbun(TB)/beberapa berapa timbunan(TL) <06194> [by heaps. Heb. heaps, heaps.]


persembahan persepuluhan

Im 27:30; [Lihat FULL. Im 27:30]; Neh 13:10-12 [Semua]

mereka bertimbun-timbun.

Rut 3:7; [Lihat FULL. Rut 3:7]

2 Tawarikh 33:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


melakukan .......... Manasye dilakukan Manasye .......... dibuat Manasye(TB)/dibuatnya ......... perbuatan Manasye ............ perbuatan Manasye(TL) <06213 04519> [as did Manasseh.]

dipersembahkan mempersembahkan korban kepada(TB)/dipersembahkan Amon korban kepada(TL) <0526 02076> [for Amon sacrificed.]

Amon's conduct is recorded as like his father Manasseh, in sacrificing to graven images; by which some think it is an evidence that Manasseh did not truly repent, but they forget how many good kings had wicked sons. In one point of view Manasseh was defective, although it cannot be supposed that it affected his eternal state; for when he cast out the images, he did not utterly deface and destroy them, according to the law in De 7:5, which required, moreover, that the graven images should be burnt with fire. How necessary that law was, this instance shows; for the carved images being only thrown aside, and not burnt, Amon knew where to find them, soon set them up, and sacrificed to them.

2 Tawarikh 34:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kitab Taurat

2Raj 22:8; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 22:8]; Ezr 7:6; Neh 8:2 [Semua]

2 Tawarikh 36:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berumur delapan ... tahun(TB)/umur ......... delapan ... tahun(TL) <08141 01121 08083> [A.M. 3405. B.C. 599. eight years old.]

The Syriac, Arabic, and the parallel place, (on which see the Note,) have "eighteen years;" which, as Scaliger observes, is no doubt the genuine reading.


Judul : Yoyakhin, raja Yehuda

Perikop : 2Taw 36:9-10


2Raj 24:8-17 dengan 2Taw 36:9-10


Yer 22:24-28; 24:1; 27:20; 29:21; 52:31 [Semua]

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