Sinonim untuk: Prayer.

Lihat Definisi untuk euch 2171
Lihat Definisi untuk proseuch 4335
Lihat Definisi untuk dehsiv 1162
Lihat Definisi untuk enteuxiv 1783
Lihat Definisi untuk eucaristia 2169
Lihat Definisi untuk aithma 155
Lihat Definisi untuk ikethria 2428

euch, when it means prayer, has apparently a general

proseuch and dehsiv are often used together. proseuch is
restricted to prayer to God, while dehsiv has no such restriction.
dehsiv also refers chiefly to prayer for particular benefits,
while proseuch is more general.

The prominent thought in enteuxiv is that of boldness and freedom
in approach to God.

eucaristia is thanksgiving, the grateful acknowledgment of
God's mercies, chiefly in prayer.

aithma, much like dehsiv, denotes a specific petition for a
particular thing.

In ikethria the attitude of humility and deprecation in prayer is
specially emphasized. All these words may incticate at times not
different kinds of prayer, but the same prayer viewed from different

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