proseuche <4335>

proseuch proseuche

Asal Mula:from 4336
Referensi:TDNT - 2:807,279
Jenis Kata:n f (noun feminime)
Dalam Yunani:proseucai 2, proseucaiv 6, proseucav 3, proseuch 12, proseuchn 2, proseuchv 6, proseucwn 5
Dalam TB:doa 16, berdoa 5, doamu 4, tempat sembahyang 2, doaku 2, dalam doa 1, sembahyang 1, mendoakannya 1, doa-Nya 1, ia telah bersungguh-sungguh 1, doanya 1
Dalam AV:prayer 36, pray earnestly + 3346 1
Definisi : hv [feminin] doa, sembahyang; tempat sembahyang (Kis 16.13,16)
doa, tempat sembahyang
1) prayer addressed to God
2) a place set apart or suited for the offering of prayer
2a) a synagogue
2b) a place in the open air where the Jews were wont to pray,
outside the cities, where they had no synagogue
2b1) such places were situated upon the bank of a stream or the
shore of a sea, where there was a supply of water for
washing the hands before prayer

Sinonim : Lihat Definisi 5828
dan 5883

from 4336; prayer (worship); by implication, an oratory (chapel): KJV -- X pray earnestly, prayer.
see GREEK for 4336
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