tachos <5034>

tacov tachos

Asal Mula:from the same as 5036
Jenis Kata:n n (noun neuter)
Dalam Yunani:tacei 8
Dalam TB:segera 7, segeralah 1
Dalam AV:shortly + 1722 4, quickly + 1722 2, speedily + 1722 1
Definisi : ouv [neuter] kecepatan, ketangkasan, kecekatan (en t. secepat mungkin; segera,tidak lama kemudian)
1) quickness, speed

from the same as 5036; a brief space (of time), i.e. (with 1722 prefixed) in haste: KJV -- + quickly, + shortly, + speedily.
see GREEK for 5036
see GREEK for 1722
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