emprosthen <1715>

emprosyen emprosthen

Asal Mula:from 1722 and 4314
Jenis Kata:adv (adverb)
Dalam Yunani:emprosyen 48
Dalam TB:di depan 14, di hadapan 9, mendahului 4, depan 3, di hadapan-Mu 2, kepada-Mu 2, di hadapan-Nya 2, di depan mata 2, di sebelah muka 1, kepada 1, mendahului-Nya 1, hadirat 1, hadapan-Nya 1, menghadap 1, di hadapanku 1
Dalam AV:before 41, in (one's) sight 2, of 1, against 1, in the sight of 1, in the presence of 1, at 1
Definisi : meludahi
sebelum, di depan; KKet: di depan
1) in front, before
1a) before, i.e. in that local region which is in front of a
person or thing
1b) before, in the presence of, i.e. opposite to, over against one
1c) before, in the sight of
1d) before, denoting rank

from 1722 and 4314; in front of (in place (literally or figuratively) or time): KJV -- against, at, before, (in presence, sight) of.
see GREEK for 1722
see GREEK for 4314
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