TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Matius 27:54

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Kepala pasukan(TB)/penghulu(TL) <1543> [the centurion.]

melihat(TB)/nampak(TL) <1492> [saw.]

takut(TB)/takutlah(TL) <5399> [feared.]

Sungguh(TB)/Sungguhlah(TL) <230> [Truly.]


yang menjaga

Mat 27:36

Anak Allah.

Mat 4:3; [Lihat FULL. Mat 4:3]; Mat 17:5 [Semua]

Markus 15:39

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kepala pasukan(TB)/penghulu(TL) <2760> [the centurion.]

The centurion was a military captain, and commander of a century, or 100 men. In order to have a proper notion of his office, it may be desirable to explain the construction and array of the Roman legion. Each legion was divided into ten cohorts, each cohort into three maniples, and each maniple into two centuries; so that there were thirty maniples, and sixty centuries in a legion, which, if the century had always, as the word imports, consisted of 100 soldiers, would have formed a combined phalanx of 6,000 men. The number in a legion, however, varied at different periods; in the time of Polybius it was 4,200. The order of battle was that of three lines; the hastati, or spearmen, occupied the front; the principes, the second line; the {triarii,} (also called {pilani,} from their weapon, the {pilam,}) the third. The centurions were appointed by the tribunes, and generally selected from the common soldiers according to their merit; although the office was sometimes obtained for money, or through the favour of the consuls. Their badge was a vine rod, or sapling.

berkatalah(TB)/berkata(TL) <2036> [he said.]


kepala pasukan

Mr 15:45

Anak Allah!

Mr 1:1,11; 9:7; Mat 4:3; [Lihat FULL. Mat 4:3] [Semua]

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