TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Mazmur 41:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible



This Psalm is supposed to have been written on the same occasion as the three former; and to relate to David's affliction, and the evil treatment he received from his enemies during its continuance.

Berbahagialah(TB/TL) <0835> [Blessed.]

lemah(TB)/miskin(TL) <01800> [the poor. or, the weak, or sick.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [Lord.]

waktu celaka ....... kesukaran(TB)/hari kesukaran(TL) <07451 03117> [time of trouble. Heb. the day of evil.]


Judul : Doa minta penyembuhan

Perikop : Mzm 41:1-13


Ul 14:29; [Lihat FULL. Ul 14:29]

orang lemah!

Ayub 24:4; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 24:4]

waktu celaka.

Mazm 25:17

TIP #06: Pada Tampilan Alkitab, Tampilan Daftar Ayat dan Bacaan Ayat Harian, seret panel kuning untuk menyesuaikan layar Anda. [SEMUA]
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