Kidung Agung 5:9-16
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
kekasihmu .... kekasih ........... kekasihmu .... kekasih(TB)/kekasihmu ...... kekasih ............... kekasihmu ..... kekasih(TL) <01730> [What is.] jelita(TB)/terelok(TL) <03303> [O thou.] |
Judul : Puteri-puteri Yerusalem kepada mempelai perempuan Perikop : Kid 5:9 antara wanita? Kid 1:8; [Lihat FULL. Kid 1:8] |
kekasihku(TB/TL) <01730> [beloved.] cerah(TB)/cahayanya(TL) <01713> [the chiefest. Heb. a standard bearer.] |
Judul : Mempelai perempuan kepada puteri-puteri Yerusalem Perikop : Kid 5:10-16 antara selaksa |
kepalanya(TB)/Kepalanya(TL) <07218> [head.] rambutnya(TB/TL) <06977> [his locks.] mengombak(TB)/berikal-ikal(TL) <08534> [bushy. or, curled.] |
Matanya(TB/TL) <05869> [His eyes.] Rather, "His eyes are as doves;" the deep blue pigeon, the common dove in the East, whose brilliant plumage vibrates around his neck every sparkling hue, every dazzling flash of colour. And this pigeon standing amid "the torrents of water," or the foam of a waterfall, would be a blue centre with a bright space like the iris of the eye, surrounded by the white. duduk(TB) <03427> [fitly set. Heb. sitting in fulness, that is, fitly placed, and set as a precious stone in the foil of a ring.] |
bagaikan merpati Kid 1:15; [Lihat FULL. Kid 1:15] dalam susu, |
Pipinya(TB/TL) <03895> [cheeks.] bedeng(TB)/petak pokok(TL) <06170> [as a.] [sweet flowers. or, towers of perfumes.] bibirnya(TB/TL) <08193> [his lips.] bertetesan(TB)/bertitik-titik(TL) <05197> [dropping.] |
Pipinya bedeng rempah-rempah, Bunga-bunga bakung Kid 2:1; [Lihat FULL. Kid 2:1] cairan mur. |
Tangannya(TB/TL) <03027> [hands.] tubuhnya(TB)/pinggangnya(TL) <04578> [his belly.] |
batu nilam. Ayub 28:6; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 28:6] Catatan Frasa: BATU NILAM. |
Kakinya(TB)/Betisnya(TL) <07785> [legs.] alas(TB)/beralaskan(TL) <0134> [sockets.] Perawakannya seperti(TB)/Sikapnya(TL) <04758> [his countenance.] Libanon(TB/TL) <03844> [as Lebanon.] |
gunung Libanon, |
Kata-katanya(TB)/Langitan(TL) <02441> [mouth. Heb. palate.] manis(TB)/manisan(TL) <04477> [most.] kekasihku(TB/TL) <01730> [my beloved.] temanku(TB)/sobatku(TL) <07453> [friend.] |
Kata-katanya Demikianlah kekasihku, puteri-puteri Yerusalem. Catatan Frasa: SEGALA SESUATU PADANYA MENARIK. |