TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Hakim-hakim 7:24-25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


disuruhkan(TL) <07971> [sent.]

dudukilah .... air .... pangkalan tambang .......... lalu ..... batang air pangkalan tambang(TB)/sakatkanlah ................... disakatkanlah(TL) <03920 04325> [take before.]

Bet-Bara ................... Bet-Bara(TB)/Bait-Bara ................. Bait-Bara(TL) <01012> [Beth-barah.]

Probably the same as Betha-bara, beyond Jordan, and at the ford where the Hebrews passed under the direction of Joshua.


sungai Yordan.

Yos 2:7; [Lihat FULL. Yos 2:7]


dua raja(TB)/dua ... raja(TL) <08147 08269> [two princes.]

batu(TB)/batu bukit(TL) <06697> [rock.]

Oreb .... Oreb ...... Oreb ................... Oreb(TB)/Orib ....... Orib ...... Orib .................... Orib(TL) <06159> [Oreb.]

Eusebius and Jerome speak of a small place called Araba, three miles west from Scythopolis, which is supposed by some to have had its name from Oreb.

lalu ... membawa(TB) <0935> [and brought.]

Among ancient nations, the head of the conquered chief was usually brought to the conqueror. Thus Pompey's head was brought to C‘sar, Cicero's head to Mark Anthony, and the heads of Ahab's children to Jehu. These barbarities are seldom practised now, except among the Mahommedans, or the savages of Africa and America; and for the credit of human nature, it is to be wished that such atrocities had never been committed.

seberang(TB/TL) <05676> [on the other side.]

The words {maiaiver lyyarden,} may denote at the passage of Jordan, or from beyond Jordan. Gideon does not appear to have yet passed the Jordan.


dan Zeeb.

Hak 8:3; Mazm 83:12 [Semua]

batu Oreb

Yes 10:26

orang Midian

Yes 9:4

sungai Yordan.

Hak 8:4; Mazm 106:43 [Semua]

TIP #17: Gunakan Pencarian Universal untuk mencari pasal, ayat, referensi, kata atau nomor strong. [SEMUA]
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