TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 7:4-9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Terimalah ....... dipergunakan ..... terpakai(TB)/Terimalah(TL) <03947 05647> [Take it.]

berikanlah ...... Lewi .... Lewi(TB)/berikanlah(TL) <05414 03881> [give them. i.e. distribute them among the Levites as they need them; giving most to those who have the heaviest burdens to bear.]


dua kereta pedati(TB)/Dua ... pedati(TL) <08147 05699> [Two wagons.]

bani Gerson Gerson(TB)/bani Gerson(TL) <01648 01121> [sons of Gershon.]

The Gershonites being fewest in number of able men, had the less burdensome things to carry; for they carried only the curtains, coverings, and hangings, (ch. 4:25, 40.) And although this was a cumbersome carriage, and they needed waggons, yet it was not a heavy one, and they needed few.


bani Gerson,

Bil 4:24-26,28 [Semua]


empat kereta pedati(TB)/empat ... pedati(TL) <05699 0702> [four wagons.]

bani ............ anak(TB)/bani ......... bin(TL) <01121> [the sons.]

Though the Merarites were the most numerous, yet they had the greatest burden, namely, the boards, bars, pillars, and sockets, to carry, (ch. 4:31, 32, 48.) Therefore they had double the number of waggons to what the Gershonites had assigned them.


bani Merari,

Bil 4:31-33 [Semua]


bani(TB/TL) <01121> [unto the.]

Because they had the charge of the ark, table, candlestick, altars, etc. (ch. 4:4-15,) which were to be carried upon their shoulders: for those sacred things must not be drawn by beasts.

pekerjaan(TB/TL) <05656> [because.]


bani Kehat

Bil 4:4

atas bahunya.

Bil 4:15

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