TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Amsal 8:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible



aku berseru,

Yes 42:2

Amsal 10:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengedipkan(TB)/bermain-main(TL) <07169> [that.]

bicaranya(TB)/mulutnya(TL) <08193> [but.]

jatuh(TB)/binasa(TL) <03832> [fall. or, be beaten.]


mengedipkan mata,

Mazm 35:19; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 35:19]

Amsal 17:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengucapkan menjanji ... bagus ..... mengucapkan kata-kata .... janjinya(TB)/menjanji perkara besar-besar istimewa ........ janjinya(TL) <03499 08193> [Excellent speech. Heb. A lip of excellency.]

dusta(TB)/tiada menyampaikan(TL) <08267> [much.]

mengucapkan menjanji ....... mengucapkan kata-kata dusta ... janjinya(TB)/menjanji ......... tiada menyampaikan janjinya(TL) <08193 08267> [lying lips. Heb. a lip of lying.]


orang mulia

Ams 16:10

Amsal 19:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


baik(TB/TL) <02896> [Better.]

serong(TB)/bercabang(TL) <06141> [perverse.]


lagi bebal.

Ams 28:6

Amsal 26:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


According to our notions, we should rather say, a bridle for the horse, and a whip for the ass; but it should be considered, that the Eastern asses are not only much more beautiful, but better goers that ours; and being active and well broken, they need only a bridle to guide them; whereas their horses being scarce, and often caught wild, and badly broken, are much less manageable, and need the correction of the whip.


untuk keledai,

Mazm 32:9

orang bebal.

Ams 10:13; [Lihat FULL. Ams 10:13]

Amsal 26:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


batu ... umban(TB)/permata .... pengali-ali(TL) <068 04773 06872> [bindeth a stone in a sling. Heb. putteth a precious stone in a heap of stones.]

This probably refers, as Coverdale understands it, to the custom of throwing a stone to the heap under which a criminal was buried. So the Vulgate, {Sicut qui mittit lapidem in acervum Mercurii; ita qui tribuit insipienti honorem,} "As he who throws a stone to Mercury's heap, so is he who gives honour to a fool." Mercury was a heathen god of highways; and stones were erected in different parts to guide the traveller: hence those lines of Dr. Young, "Death stands like Mercuries in every way; And kindly points us to our journey's end."

memberi ... kepada(TB)/memberi(TL) <05414> [so.]


orang bebal.

Ams 26:1; [Lihat FULL. Ams 26:1]

Amsal 29:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Kaulihat(TB)/melihat(TL) <02372> [Seest.]

kata-katanya(TB)/katanya(TL) <01697> [words. or, matters.]

harapan(TB)/diharap(TL) <08615> [more.]


orang itu.

Ams 19:2; 26:12 [Semua]

TIP #25: Tekan Tombol pada halaman Studi Kamus untuk melihat bahan lain berbahasa inggris. [SEMUA]
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