TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Raja-raja 5:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Pergilah(TB/TL) <03212 0935> [Go to, go.]

membawa(TB)/dibawanya(TL) <03947> [and took.]

sertanya(TL) <03027> [with him. Heb. in his hand. ten talents of silver.]

This, at 353œ. 11s. 10«d. the talent, would amount to 3,535œ. 18s. 9d.

enam ribu ....... ribu(TB)/enam ribu(TL) <0505 08337> [six thousand.]

If shekels are meant, as the Arabic reads, then this, at 1Å“. 16s. 5d. each, will amount to 10,925Å“.; and the whole to 14,464Å“. 18s. 9d.: besides the value of the ten changes of raiment.

sepuluh .......... sepuluh potong ..... persalinan(TB)/sepuluh ......... persalinan sepuluh(TL) <06235 02487> [ten changes.]


potong pakaian.

2Raj 5:22; Kej 24:53; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:53]; Hak 14:12; 1Sam 9:7; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 9:7] [Semua]

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