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Himne Indonesia
1 Timotius 6:14
Kidung Jemaat
- Setialah [KJ.446]
1. Setialah kepada Tuhanmu, hai kawan yang penat. Setialah, sokonganNya tentu di jalan yang berat. 'Kan datang Raja yang berjaya menolong orang yang percaya. Setialah!
Mat 10:22 Why 2:10
2. Setialah percaya Penebus, percaya janjiNya. Setialah, berjuanglah terus di fajar merekah. DiputuskanNya rantai setan: kau bebas dari kesempitan. Setialah!
Ibr 12:1-3
3. Setialah! Bertahanlah tetap sehingga kau menang. Setialah! Selamatmu genap, sesudah berperang. Meski bertambah marabaya, t'lah hampir habis susah payah. Setialah!
Ef 6:10-20 1 Tim 6:11-14 2 Tim 2:4-5 Rm 5:3-4
4. Setialah kepada Yang Menang, meski maut kautempuh. Setialah! Sehabis berperang terima upahmu: mahkota Hidup diberiNya; kaumasuk dalam t'rang ceria. Setialah!
2 Tim 4:8 Yak 1:12 1 Ptr 5:4 Why 2:10
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Himne Inggris
1 Timotius 5:22
[1Tim 5:22] Keep Thyself Pure
Keep thyself pure! Christ’s soldier, hear, Through life’s loud strife, the calls rings clear. Thy Captain speaks: His word obey; So shall thy strength be as thy day. Keep thyself pure! Thrice blessèd he Whose heart from taint of sin is free; His feet shall stand where saints have trod, He with rapt eyes shall see his God. Keep thyself pure! For He Who died, Himself for thy sake sanctified; Then hear Him speaking from the skies, And victor o’er temptation rise. O Holy Spirit, keep us pure, Grant us Thy strength when sins allure; Our bodies are Thy temple, Lord; Be Thou in thought and act adored. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |