Jumlah dalam TB : 13 dalam 9 ayat
(dalam OT: 11 dalam 7 ayat)
(dalam NT: 2 dalam 2 ayat)
Keluarga Kata untuk kata "Betul" dalam TB (29/4) : betul (11x/0x); betul-betul (2x/1x); Betul-betullah (1x/0x); betullah (1x/0x); Kebetulan (11x/1x); membetulkan (2x/0x); sebetulnya (1x/0x); Betul (0x/2x);
Hebrew : <06664> 6x; <01329> 1x; <05288 05288> 1x; <04941> 1x; <08552> 1x;
Greek : <3723> 1x; <3483> 1x;
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Strong# / Frek.Definisi & Terjemahan
<06664> 6 (dari 118)
qdu tsedeq
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) justice, rightness, righteousness 1a) what is right or just or normal, rightness, justness (of weights and measures) 1b) righteousness (in government) 1b1) of judges, rulers, kings 1b2) of law 1b3) of Davidic king, Messiah 1b4) of Jerusalem as seat of just government 1b5) of God's attribute 1c) righteousness, justice (in case or cause) 1d) rightness (in speech) 1e) righteousness (as ethically right) 1f) righteousness (as vindicated), justification (in controversy), deliverance, victory, prosperity 1f1) of God as covenant-keeping in redemption 1f2) in name of Messianic king 1f3) of people enjoying salvation 1f4) of Cyrus
<05288> 2 (dari 240)
ren na`ar
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) a boy, lad, servant, youth, retainer 1a) boy, lad, youth 1b) servant, retainer
<08552> 1 (dari 61)
Mmt tamam
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to be complete, be finished, be at an end 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to be finished, be completed 1a1a) completely, wholly, entirely (as auxiliary with verb) 1a2) to be finished, come to an end, cease 1a3) to be complete (of number) 1a4) to be consumed, be exhausted, be spent 1a5) to be finished, be consumed, be destroyed 1a6) to be complete, be sound, be unimpaired, be upright (ethically) 1a7) to complete, finish 1a8) to be completely crossed over 1b) (Niphal) to be consumed 1c) (Hiphil) 1c1) to finish, complete, perfect 1c2) to finish, cease doing, leave off doing 1c3) to complete, sum up, make whole 1c4) to destroy (uncleanness) 1c5) to make sound 1d) (Hithpael) to deal in integrity, act uprightly
<04941> 1 (dari 421)
jpvm mishpat
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) judgment, justice, ordinance 1a) judgment 1a1) act of deciding a case 1a2) place, court, seat of judgment 1a3) process, procedure, litigation (before judges) 1a4) case, cause (presented for judgment) 1a5) sentence, decision (of judgment) 1a6) execution (of judgment) 1a7) time (of judgment) 1b) justice, right, rectitude (attributes of God or man) 1c) ordinance 1d) decision (in law) 1e) right, privilege, due (legal) 1f) proper, fitting, measure, fitness, custom, manner, plan
<01329> 1 (dari 1)
lwtb B@thuwl
Definisi : --n pr loc (noun proper locative)-- Bethul = "God destroys" or "man of God" or "dweller in God" 1) a town of Simeon in the south (also spelled 'Bethuel')
Dalam TB : Betul 1
<00000> 1
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Strong# / Frek.Definisi & Terjemahan
<3723> 1 (dari 4)
orywv orthos
Definisi : --adv (adverb)-- 1) rightly
Dalam TB : benar 2, Betul 1
<3483> 1 (dari 34)
nai nai
Definisi : --particle (particle)-- 1) yea, verily, truly, assuredly, even so
Dalam TB : ya 10, Ya 9, Benar 7, Bahkan 2, Betul 1, Sesungguhnya 1, Ya benar 1, Sungguh 1, Memang membayar 1

Konkordansi PL

qdu <06664> Im 19:36 Neraca yang betul , batu timbangan yang betul, ...
qdu <06664> Im 19:36 ... betul, batu timbangan yang betul , efa yang betul dan hin yang ...
qdu <06664> Im 19:36 ... yang betul, efa yang betul dan hin yang betul haruslah ...
qdu <06664> Im 19:36 ... efa yang betul dan hin yang betul haruslah kamu pakai; Akulah ...
lwtbw <01329> Yos 19:4 Eltolad, Betul , Horma,
ren renhw <05288 05288> 1Sam 1:24 ... Silo. Waktu itu masih kecil betul kanak-kanak itu.
jpsm <04941> Ams 16:11 Timbangan dan neraca yang betul adalah kepunyaan TUHAN, ...
-- Yer 13:12 ... Masakan kami tidak tahu betul , bahwa setiap buyung harus ...
Mth <08552> Yeh 24:10 ... api, biarlah dagingnya masak betul , buanglah kuahnya dan biarlah ...
qdu <06664> Yeh 45:10 Neraca yang betul , efa yang betul dan bat yang ...
qdu <06664> Yeh 45:10 Neraca yang betul, efa yang betul dan bat yang betullah patut ...

Konkordansi PB

orywv <3723> Luk 7:43 ... Kata Yesus kepadanya: " Betul pendapatmu itu."
nai <3483> Kis 5:8 ... jual?" Jawab perempuan itu: " Betul sekian."

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