
yang diberkati oleh Yehovah. 1Taw 3:20; 1Taw 6:39.


Strongs #914: baraciav Barachias

Barachiah = "Jehovah blesses"

1) said to be the father of the Zachariah slain in the temple

914 Barachias bar-akh-ee'-as

of Hebrew origin (1296); Barachias (i.e. Berechijah), an Israelite: KJV -- Barachias.
see HEBREW for 01296


Strongs #01296: hykrb Berekyah or whykrb Berekyahuw

Berachiah or Berechiah = "Jehovah blesses"

1) a son of Zerubbabel
2) a Levite who returned for the exile
3) father of Meshullam, one of Nehemiah's chiefs who assisted in
rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem
4) father of Zechariah
5) a Gershonite Levite, the father of Asaph, the singer, doorkeeper
of the ark
6) an Ephraimite chief in the time of Ahaz

1296 Berekyah beh-rek-yaw'

or Berekyahuw {beh-rek-yaw'-hoo}; from 1290 and 3050; knee (i.e. blessing) of Jah; Berekjah, the name of six Israelites: KJV -- Berachiah, Berechiah.
see HEBREW for 01290
see HEBREW for 03050


Strongs #914:

ou [maskulin] Berekhya (Mat 23.35)
[+] Bhs. Inggris

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