Sinonim untuk: Form, Appearance.

Lihat Definisi untuk idea 2397
Lihat Definisi untuk morfh 3444
Lihat Definisi untuk schma 4976

idea denotes merely outward appearance.

Both morfh and schma express something more than that. They too
denote outward form, but as including one's habits, activities and
modes of action in general. In morfh it is also implied that the
outward form expresses the inner essence, an idea which is absent from
schma. morfh expresses the form as that which is intrinsic and
essential, schma signifies the figure, shape, as that which is more
outward and accidental. Both schma and idea therefore deal with
externals, schma being more comprehensive than idea, while
morfh deals with externals as expressing that which is internal.

TIP #17: Gunakan Pencarian Universal untuk mencari pasal, ayat, referensi, kata atau nomor strong. [SEMUA]
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