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Asal Mula:from 4078
Referensi:TDNT - 5:593,752
Jenis Kata:n f (noun feminime)
Dalam Yunani:pagida 3, pagidov 1, pagiv 1
Dalam TB:jerat 4
Dalam AV:snare 5
Definisi : idov [feminin] jerat, perangkat (wv p. seperti suatu perangkap yaitu dengan tidak terduga-duga (Luk 21.35)
1) snare, trap, noose
1a) of snares in which birds are entangled and caught
1a1) implies unexpectedly, suddenly, because birds and beasts
are caught unawares
1b) a snare, i.e. whatever brings peril, loss, destruction
1b1) of a sudden and unexpected deadly peril
1b2) of the allurements and seductions of sin
1b3) the allurements to sin by which the devil holds one bound
1b4) the snares of love

from 4078; a trap (as fastened by a noose or notch); figuratively, a trick or statagem (temptation): KJV -- snare.
see GREEK for 4078
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