koite <2845>

koith koite

Asal Mula:from 2749
Jenis Kata:n f (noun feminime)
Dalam Yunani:koitaiv 1, koith 1, koithn 2
Dalam TB:mengandung 1, percabulan 1, tempat tidur 1, tidur 1
Dalam AV:bed 2, conceive 1, chambering 1
Definisi : hv [feminin] tempat tidur, ranjang; hubungan suami-istri (Ibr 13.4); sperma, (kothn ecw mengandung Rm 9.10); percabulan (Rm 13.13)
1) a place for laying down, resting, sleeping in
1a) a bed, couch
2) the marriage bed
2a) of adultery
3) cohabitation, whether lawful or unlawful
3a) sexual intercourse

from 2749; a couch; by extension, cohabitation; by implication, the male sperm: KJV -- bed, chambering, X conceive.
see GREEK for 2749
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