eggus <1451>

egguv eggus

Asal Mula:from a primary verb agcho (to squeeze or throttle akin to the base of 43)
Referensi:TDNT - *:*,194
Jenis Kata:adv (adverb)
Dalam Yunani:egguv 30
Dalam TB:dekat 17, sudah dekat 9, hampir tiba 1, mendekati 1, tidak jauh 1, jauhnya 1
Dalam AV:nigh 13, at hand 6, nigh at hand 4, near 4, from 1, nigh unto 1, ready 1
Definisi : kata keterangan: dekat
di dekat, dekat; KKet: dekat
1) near, of place and position
1a) near
1b) those who are near access to God
1b1) Jews, as opposed to those who are alien from God and his
1b2) The Rabbis used the term "to make nigh" as equivalent to
"to make a proselyte"
2) of time
2a) of times imminent and soon to come pass

from a primary verb agcho (to squeeze or throttle; akin to the base of 43); near (literally or figuratively, of place or time): KJV -- from , at hand, near, nigh (at hand, unto), ready.
see GREEK for 43
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