diatithemai <1303>

diatiyemai diatithemai

Asal Mula:middle voice from 1223 and 5087
Referensi:TDNT - 2:104,157
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:diatiyemai 1, diayemenou 1, diayemenov 1, diayhsomai 2, dieyeto 2
Dalam TB:pembuat wasiat 2, Kuadakan 1, akan Kuadakan 1, menentukannya 1, telah diadakan 1, menentukan 1
Dalam AV:make 3, testator 2, appoint 2
Definisi : (fut diayhsomai; aorist dieyemhn) mengadakan (perjanjian); membuat (wasiat); o d. pembuat wasiat (Lbr 9.16 dst); d basileian menentukan hak-hak kerajaan bagi (Luk 22.29)
1) to arrange, dispose of, one's own affairs
1a) of something that belongs to one
1b) to dispose of by will, make a testament
2) to make a covenant, enter into a covenant, with one

middle voice from 1223 and 5087; to put apart, i.e. (figuratively) dispose (by assignment, compact, or bequest): KJV -- appoint, make, testator.
see GREEK for 1223
see GREEK for 5087
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