t@buw'ah <08393>

hawbt t@buw'ah

Asal Mula:from 0935
Referensi:TWOT - 212c
Jenis Kata:n f (noun feminime)
Dalam Ibrani:tawbt 10, htawbt 7, Ktawbt 4, hawbt 2, hawbth 2, twawbt 2, wntawbt 1, tawbtw 1, Mkytawbtm 1, tawbtb 1, tawbtm 1, ytawbtw 1, *wtawbt {htawbt} 1, tawbtk 1, tawbtl 1, wtawbt 1, tawbtkw 1, htawbtw 1, tawbtbw 1, ytawbt 1, *htawbt 1
Dalam TB:hasil 16, hasilnya 6, hasil tanah 3, penghasilan 3, hasil tanahmu 3, dihasilkan 2, hasilku 2, panenlah 1, barang-barang 1, penghasilanmu 1, panen 1, menghasilkan 1, hasil tanah-Nya 1, penghasilannya 1
Dalam AV:increase 23, fruit 13, revenue 5, gain 1
Definisi : 1) produce, product, revenue 1a) product, yield, crops (of the earth usually) 1b) income, revenue 1c) gain (of wisdom) (fig) 1d) product of lips (fig)
from 935; income, i.e. produce (literally or figuratively): KJV -- fruit, gain, increase, revenue.
see HEBREW for 0935
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