keras <2768>

kerav keras

Asal Mula:from a primary kar (the hair of the head)
Referensi:TDNT - 3:669,428
Jenis Kata:n n (noun neuter)
Dalam Yunani:kerata 8, keratwn 2, kerav 1
Dalam TB:bertanduk 5, tanduk 4, tanduk-tanduknya 1, sebuah tanduk 1
Dalam AV:horn 11
Definisi : atov [neuter] tanduk (sudut mezbah Why 9.13); kekuatan (k. swthriav juru selamat yang kuat Luk 1.69)
1) a horn
1a) of animals
1b) since animals (esp. bulls) defend themselves with their horns,
the horn with the Hebrews (and other nations) is a symbol of
strength and courage, and used as such in a variety of phrases
1b1) a mighty and valiant helper, the author of deliverance,
of the Messiah
1c) a projecting extremity in a shape like a horn, a point, apex:
as of an altar

from a primary kar (the hair of the head); a horn (literally or figuratively): KJV -- horn.
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