TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Markus 9:25-26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menegor(TB)/ditengking-Nya(TL) <2008> [he rebuked.]

bisu(TB)/kelu(TL) <216> [thou.]

If this had been only a natural disease, as some have contended, could our Lord with any propriety have thus addressed it? If the demoniacal possession had been false, or merely a vulgar error, would our Lord, the Revealer of truth, have thus established falsehood, sanctioned error, or encouraged deception, by teaching men to ascribe effects to the malice and power of evil spirits, which they had no agency in producing? Impossible! Such conduct is utterly unworthy the sacred character of the Redeemer.

suruhkan Aku memerintahkan(TB)/Aku suruhkan(TL) <1473 2004> [I charge.]


datang berkerumun,

Mr 9:15


berteriak(TB/TL) <2896> [cried.]

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