TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Lukas 1:39

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ke ... menuju(TB)/ke ... ke(TL) <1519> [into.]

sebuah kota(TB)/negeri(TL) <4172> [city.]

This was most probably Hebron, a city of the priests, and situated in the hill country of Judea, (Jos 11:21; 21:11, 13,) about 25 miles south of Jerusalem, and nearly 100 from Nazareth. Such was the intense desire of Mary's mind to visit and communicate with her relative Elisabeth, that she scrupled not to undertake this long journey to effect her purpose.


Judul : Maria dan Elisabet

Perikop : Luk 1:39-45

di Yehuda.

Luk 1:65

Lukas 1:65

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ketakutanlah(TB)/ketakutan(TL) <5401> [fear.]

perkataan(TL) <4487> [sayings. or, things. all the.]


pegunungan Yudea.

Luk 1:39

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