TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Imamat 10:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


minum(TB)/diminum(TL) <08354> [Do not.]

minuman(TB)/minuman yang keras(TL) <07941> [strong drink.]

The Hebrew {shecher,} Arabic {sakar,} or {sukr,} Greek [sikera,] from {shachar,} to inebriate, signifies any kind of fermented and inebriating liquor beside wine. So St. Jerome informs us, that {sicera} in Hebrew denotes any inebriating liquor, whether made of corn, the juice of apples, honey, dates, or any other fruit. These different kinds of liquors are described by Pliny, who calls then {vina factitia}. One of the four prohibited drinks among the Mohammedans in India is called {sakar,} which denotes inebriating liquor in general, but especially date wine.

ketetapan(TB)/hukum(TL) <02708> [it shall be.]


minum anggur

Kej 9:21; Kel 29:40; Im 23:13; Bil 15:5; Ul 28:39; Yes 5:22; 22:13; 28:1; 29:9; 56:12; Yer 35:6; Hos 4:11; Hab 2:15-16 [Semua]

minuman keras,

Bil 6:3; 28:7; Ul 14:26; 29:6; Hak 13:4; Ams 20:1; 23:29-35; 31:4-7; Yes 28:7; Yeh 44:21; Mi 2:11; Luk 1:15; Ef 5:18; [Lihat FULL. Ef 5:18]; 1Tim 3:3; Tit 1:7 [Semua]

suatu ketetapan

Kel 12:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:14]


Amsal 23:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


anggur(TB)/air anggur(TL) <03196> [not.]

daging(TB/TL) <01320> [flesh. Heb. their flesh.]


peminum anggur

Yes 5:11,22; 56:12; Hab 2:15 [Semua]

Yesaya 22:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kegirangan(TB)/kesukaan(TL) <08342> [behold.]

makan .......... makan(TB/TL) <0398> [let.]


dan sukacita,

Yes 21:5; [Lihat FULL. Yes 21:5]

minum anggur,

1Sam 25:36; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 25:36]; Pengkh 8:15; Yes 5:22; 28:7-8; 56:12; Luk 17:26-29 [Semua]

kita mati!

1Kor 15:32%&

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