NETBible KJV YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Judges 9:24


violent <02555> [That the.]

murdered .................. helped ... murder <02026 02388> [aided him in the killing of. Heb. strengthened his hands to kill.]

Sooner or later, God will make inquisition for blood, and will return it on the heads of those that shed it. Accessaries will be reckoned with, as well as principals, in that and other sins. The Shechemites, who countenanced Abimelech's pretensions, aided and abetted him in his bloody project, and avowed the fact by making him king after he had done it, must fall with him, fall by him, and fall first. Those that combine together to do wickedly, are justly dashed in pieces one against another. Blood cannot be a lasting cement to any interest.

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