TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yehezkiel 41:2-5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pintu ........ dinding(TB)/pintu ........ pintu(TL) <06607> [the door. or, the entrance.]

This was the door out of the porch into the sanctuary, which seems to have been wider than that from the court to the porch.

Panjang(TB)/panjangnya(TL) <0753> [the length.]


dan lebarnya

2Taw 3:3


hasta dua hasta .... hasta .... hasta ..... hasta ........ hasta(TB)/dua hasta ...... hasta ........ hasta(TL) <08147 0520> [two cubits.]

This was the thickness of the partition wall between the sanctuary (ver. 2) and holy of holies (ver. 4); the breadth of the wall on each side of the gate being seven cubits, and the entrance into the holy place six cubits in width.



hasta puluh hasta .... hasta puluh hasta(TB)/puluh hasta ..... puluh hasta(TL) <0520 06242> [twenty cubits.]

maha kudus(TB)/mahasuci(TL) <06944> [This.]


ruang besar.

1Raj 6:20

maha kudus.

Kel 26:33; [Lihat FULL. Kel 26:33]; Ibr 9:3-8 [Semua]


tambahan(TB)/iringan(TL) <06763> [side chamber.]

Yehezkiel 41:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


serambi-serambinya(TB)/serambinya(TL) <0862> [galleries. or, several walks, or walks with pillars.]

ruang(TB)/di dalam(TL) <06442> [with the.]


bersama serambi-serambinya

Yeh 42:3

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