TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Daniel 3:3-6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


wakil raja(TB)/pangeran(TL) <0324> [the princes.]

{Achashdarpenaya,} rendered lieutenants in Es 3:12, etc., probably {chief satraps or viceroys} from the Persian {achash} great, eminent, and {sitrab}, a satrap.

penguasa(TB)/demang(TL) <05460> [the governors.]

{Signaya} in persian, {shagnah} deputies or lieutenants.

bupati(TB)/adipati(TL) <06347> [captains.]

{Pacawatha}, governors of provinces. See Es 3:13.

penasihat negara(TB)/panglima(TL) <0148> [the judges.]

{Adargazraya}, chief judges, or senators, from {adar}, great, and Chal. {gezar}, to judge, decree.

bendahara(TB/TL) <01411> [the treasurers.]

{Gedavraya}, written {gizzavraya,} Ezr 7:21, treasurers, from the Persian {gunjvar}.

hakim(TB)/menteri(TL) <01884> [the counsellors.]

{Dethavraya,} counsellors, judges, from {dath} in Persian, {dad}, law, and {var}, possessor or guardian.

ahli hukum(TB)/tumenggung(TL) <08614> [the sheriffs.]

{Tiphtaya} probably the same as the Arabic {Mufti} or head officer of law.


dengan suara nyaring(TB)/kuat(TL) <02429> [aloud. Chal. with might.]

dititahkan(TB)/ketahuilah(TL) <0560> [it is commanded. Chal. they command.]

bangsa(TB/TL) <05972> [O people.]


dan bahasa:

Dan 4:1; 6:26; Wahy 10:11 [Semua]


sangkakala(TB)/nafiri(TL) <07162> [the cornet.]

{Karna,} the horn.

seruling(TB)/bangsi(TL) <04953> [flute.]

{Mashrokeetha,} in Syriac, {mashrookeetha,} the [syrinx (syrigx,)] pipe or flute, as Theodotion renders.

serdam(TB)/nobat(TL) <05481> [dulcimer. or, singing. Chal. symphony.]


seruling, kecapi,

Kej 4:21; [Lihat FULL. Kej 4:21]

menyembah patung

Wahy 13:12

telah didirikan

Dan 3:10,15 [Semua]


sujud(TB/TL) <05308> [falleth.]

seketika(TB)/pada ketika itu juga(TL) <08160> [the same.]

menyala-nyala(TB)/bernyala(TL) <03345> [a burning.]


dalam perapian

Dan 3:11,15,21; Yer 29:22; Dan 5:19; 6:8; Mat 13:42,50; Wahy 13:15 [Semua]

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