TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 1:44-45

TSK Full Life Study Bible



dengan Harun

Bil 26:64


menurut suku-suku

Bil 2:32

ke atas

Bil 1:3; Bil 14:29 [Semua]

Bilangan 2:32

TSK Full Life Study Bible



menurut suku-suku

Bil 1:45

603.550 orang.

Kel 12:37; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:37]

Bilangan 7:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pemimpin ............. pemimpin(TB)/kepala ............. penghulu(TL) <05387> [the princes.]

bertanggung jawab(TB)/memerintah(TL) <05975> [and were over, etc. Heb. who stood. offered.]


pemimpin Israel,

Bil 1:5-16 [Semua]

atas pencatatan

Bil 1:19

Bilangan 17:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tongkat Harun ... Harun(TB)/tongkat Harun(TL) <0175 04294> [the rod of Aaron.]

This fact was so unquestionably miraculous, that no doubt could remain on the minds of the people, or the envious chiefs, of the divine appointment of Aaron: and as there were buds, blossoms, and fruit on the rod at the same time, which was never the case with branches in the natural and ordinary course, this evidently proved the miracle, and took away all suspicion of the fraud which has been impiously suggested, that Moses had taken away Aaron's rod in the night time, and put a living branch of an almond tree in the room of it. A sceptre or staff of office resuming its vegetative life, was considered an absolute impossibility among the ancients; and as they were accustomed to swear by their sceptres, this circumstance was added to confirm the oath.

bertunas(TB)/berbunga(TL) <06524> [budded.]


kemah hukum

Bil 17:7; Bil 1:50 [Semua]

tampaklah tongkat

Bil 17:2,10 [Semua]

buah badam.

Yeh 17:24; Ibr 9:4 [Semua]

Bilangan 31:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


diangkut(TB)/rampasan(TL) <07628> [that was taken. Heb. of the captivity.]


telah diangkut,

Bil 31:11,12; [Lihat FULL. Bil 31:11]; [Lihat FULL. Bil 31:12] [Semua]

berupa manusia

Bil 1:19; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:19]

kepala-kepala puak

Bil 1:4; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:4]

Bilangan 32:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible



mengenai mereka

Bil 32:29; Ul 3:18-20; Yos 1:13 [Semua]

bin Nun,

Bil 11:28

dari suku-suku

Bil 1:16

TIP #15: Gunakan tautan Nomor Strong untuk mempelajari teks asli Ibrani dan Yunani. [SEMUA]
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