TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Raja-raja 5:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


turunlah(TB/TL) <05307> [he lighted.]

Selamat(TB)/baik(TL) <07965> [Is all well. Heb. Is there peace?]

2 Raja-raja 15:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Pul ............... Pul(TB)/Pul .............. Pul(TL) <06322> [A.M. 3233. B.C. 771. Pul.]

Prideaux supposes that this Pul was the father of the famous Sardanapalus, who was called Sardan with his father's name Pul annexed, as was frequent in those times, making Sardanpul: thus Merodach, king of Babylon, was Merodach-Baladan, because he was the son Baladan. This Pul began to reign according to Usher, A.M. 3237, the fifth year of Menahem; and he is supposed to be the same that reigned in Nineveh, when Jonah preached in that city.

Menahem(TB)/Menahim(TL) <04505> [Menahem.]

mengokohkan(TB)/meneguhkan(TL) <02388> [to confirm.]



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