TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Raja-raja 24:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perhentian(TB)/mangkatlah(TL) <07901> [A.M. 3405. B.C. 599. slept]

As Jehoiakim was "buried with the burial of an ass," by being "drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem," without internment, the expression "slept with his fathers," can only mean that the died, or slept the sleep of death. In the East, a body exposed during the night would be a prey to wild animals; if any of it were left till the morning, the carnivorous birds would devour it.

Yoyakhin(TB/TL) <03078> [Jehoiachin.]

As this man reigned only three months, and was a mere vassal of the king of Babylon, his reign is scarcely reckoned; and therefore Jeremiah (ch. 31:30) says of Jehoiakim, "he shall have none to sit upon the throne of David."


mendapat perhentian

Yer 22:19; 36:30 [Semua]

maka Yoyakhin,

1Taw 3:16; Yer 22:24,28; Yeh 19:1 [Semua]

2 Raja-raja 24:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengangkut(TB)/dipindahkannya(TL) <01540> [he carried.]

pegawai-pegawai(TB)/penjawat(TL) <05631> [officers. or, eunuchs.]


mengangkut Yoyakhin

2Raj 20:18; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 20:18]; Yeh 19:9 [Semua]

juga ibunda

2Raj 24:8; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 24:8]; 1Raj 2:19; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 2:19] [Semua]

orang-orang berkuasa

Est 2:6; Yes 39:7; Rat 2:9; Yeh 1:2; 17:12-14; Dan 1:3 [Semua]

TIP #10: Klik ikon untuk merubah tampilan teks alkitab menjadi per baris atau paragraf. [SEMUA]
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