1 Korintus 15:51-52
The Resurrection of the Body (1 Korintus 15:35-58;Filipi 3:21)
The Return and the Judgment (Matius 19:28;24:27-31;25:31-46;Markus 13:24-27;Lukas 17:24;21:25-28;1 Korintus 15:51;1 Tesalonika 4:13-18;2 Tesalonika 1:5-10;2:8;2 Petrus 3:7-12;Wahyu 20:11-15)
Death (Roma 5:12--7:25;1 Korintus 15:21-56;2 Korintus 4:10-12)
Angel awakening the dead with a trumpet, An *
Angel with a trumpet, An *
Last judgment, The
Resurrection of the dead, The *

Christ the judge
Last judgment
Last judgment, The
Last judgment, The

(254 Gambar)
Topik Terkait:
About the Ages to Come ;
Hell ;
Paradise ;
Sheep and Goats ;
The Resurrection of the Body ;
The Words of the Judgment
Nama Terkait:
Firdaus ;
Pasal Terkait:
Matius 19 ;
Matius 24 ;
Matius 25 ;
Markus 13 ;
Lukas 17 ;
Lukas 21 ;
1 Korintus 15 ;
1 Tesalonika 4 ;
2 Tesalonika 1 ;
2 Tesalonika 2 ;
2 Petrus 3 ;
Wahyu 20
Text list by no means exhaustive
Knight approached by Death
Skull and bone
Skull and bone
Sundial with a skull in the middle

(97 Gambar)
Topik Terkait:
Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ ;
Sin and Vanity ;
The Law and the Sin ;
The Rich Farmer
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
Roma 5 ;
Roma 6 ;
Roma 7 ;
1 Korintus 15 ;
2 Korintus 4