TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Tawarikh 29:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengadakan persediaan(TB)/menyediakan(TL) <03559> [I have prepared.]

kemampuan(TB)/sekuat-kuatku(TL) <03581> [with all.]

emas .... emas(TB)/emas ..... keemasan(TL) <02091> [the gold.]

batu permata syoham ..... batu hitam .......... batu batu ..... permata ............. batu(TB)/batu unam .... permata ............. batu(TL) <07718 068> [onyx stones.]

{Avney shoham,} which was, probably, not the precious stone or gem called onyx, but a marble called in Greek {onychites,} which Pliny mentions as a stone Caramania; for one would hardly think that gems of any kind were used externally in such a building as the temple. Antiquity gave both stones this name, because of their resemblance to the nail of the finger.

batu ....... batu hitam ... batu permata ....... batu batu ..... permata ............. batu(TB)/batu ..... permata ........ gemilang ...... batu(TL) <068 06320> [glistering stones.]

{Avney phuch} seems to denote a kind of black marble, so called from its colour resembling stibium: so Vulgate {quasi stibinos.}

batu ....... batu hitam .......... batu batu ..... permata ............. batu(TB)/batu ..... permata ............. batu marmar(TL) <068 07893> [marble stones.]

{Avney shayish} is rendered in the Targum {avney marmoraiyah,} "stones of marble," and by the LXX., and Vulgate [Parion] or [Parinon,] or {marmor Parium,} "Parium marble," which was remarkable for its bright white colour. Josephus says that the temple was built of large blocks of white marble, beautifully polished, so as to produce a most splendid appearance.


yakni emas

1Taw 29:7,14,16; Ezr 1:4; 6:5; Hag 2:9 [Semua]

batu hitam

Yes 54:11

sangat banyak

1Taw 22:2-5 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 21:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


malaikat(TB)/malaekat(TL) <04397> [the angel.]

Daud ... Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [that David.]


Judul : Daud mendirikan Mezbah

Perikop : 1Taw 21:18--22:1


2Sam 24:18-25 dengan 1Taw 21:18-27

tempat pengirikan

2Taw 3:1

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